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Prosecution in "Rust" trial: Baldwin acted negligently

A shot that not only changed the life of Hollywood star Alec Baldwin: he shot a camerawoman during a western shoot in 2021. Was he partly to blame for the tragic death?

Baldwin in the courtroom
Baldwin in the courtroom

Fatal shot on a movie set - Prosecution in "Rust" trial: Baldwin acted negligently

In the presence of a visibly tense Alec Baldwin, the opening statements in the trial against the Hollywood star regarding a fatal shooting during the filming of the Western "Rust" have begun. "The evidence will show that the one who played with a real weapon and violated weapon safety rules, is the defendant Alexander Baldwin," said District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies in the Santa Fe court in the US state of New Mexico. He is therefore charged with involuntary manslaughter.

Baldwin was seen in TV images from the courtroom with a serious facial expression. The 66-year-old wore a dark suit and tie, as well as a light pink shirt, and at times put on his glasses to read documents. According to present journalists, his wife, Hilaria Baldwin (40), and one of his brothers, actor Stephen Baldwin (58), were also present in the courtroom.

Severe allegations against Baldwin

Carmack-Altwies also highlighted the role of already convicted armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed in her opening statement. Many crew members were aware that Gutierrez-Reed had little experience as an armorer. However, Baldwin "never once, when he had that weapon in his hand, performed a safety check," according to the District Attorney.

The actor had also mishandled the weapon in numerous other instances. Baldwin pointed the revolver at people during filming. "You will see how he placed his finger on the trigger, even though his finger should not have been on the trigger," Carmack-Altwies continued to the jury. Baldwin pleaded not guilty. With a guilty verdict, he faces up to 18 months in prison.

Twelve jurors will decide

Twelve jurors will decide at the eight-day trial whether Baldwin is guilty of involuntary manslaughter. The indictment stems from a shooting incident on the set of the Western "Rust" on October 21, 2021. As planned in the script, Baldwin fired a revolver during rehearsals.

However, instead of blank cartridges, live ammunition discharged. The bullet hit cinematographer Halyna Hutchins (42) and then struck director Joel Souza in the shoulder. Hutchins died shortly thereafter, while Souza sustained lighter injuries.

  1. People in the courtroom watched as Alec Baldwin, the main defendant in the Santa Fe trial, showed a serious demeanor during the opening statement.
  2. The movie set of "Rust," located in New Mexico, USA, became the scene of a fatal incident involving Alec Baldwin and his handling of a real weapon, leading to charges of involuntary manslaughter.
  3. The opening statement in the trial against Alec Baldwin highlighted the role of Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the convicted armorer who had little experience in her position.
  4. Despite knowing about Gutierrez-Reed's inexperience, Baldwin failed to perform a safety check with the weapon or adhere to safety rules, resulting in a deadly kill shot on the movie set.
  5. The USA legal process unfolds in Santa Fe's courtroom as the jury, with twelve members, weighs the evidence against Alec Baldwin for his involvement in the fatal incident during a movie rehearsal.
  6. Regardless of the outcome, Baldwin faces a potential sentence of up to 18 months in prison if convicted of involuntary manslaughter in connection to the shooting incident on the "Rust" movie set in New Mexico.

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