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Proceedings against Alec Baldwin have been stopped

The process against Alec Baldwin for negligent homicide has unexpectedly been halted. The actor breaks down in tears in court.

Baldwin at trial.
Baldwin at trial.

Process - Proceedings against Alec Baldwin have been stopped

The ongoing process against Alec Baldwin for involuntary manslaughter in the shooting of a cinematographer has unexpectedly been halted. Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer granted the motion from Baldwin's attorneys in Santa Fe, New Mexico, on Friday (local time). The defense accused the prosecution of misconduct.

Baldwin broke down in tears in court. Emotional scenes ensued. The actor hugged his attorneys and his wife, Hilaria Baldwin, who was also present in the courtroom. Shortly afterwards, he left the building as a free man.

In the process that has been running since Tuesday, the question was whether the 66-year-old actor handled the fatal shot at the cinematographer Halyna Hutchins (42) on the set of the Western "Rust" in 2021 without negligence and therefore should be imprisoned. Principal actor Baldwin fired a revolver during rehearsals as directed by the director. However, instead of harmless blank cartridges, live ammunition was discharged. A bullet hit cinematographer Hutchins and killed her. In the event of a guilty verdict, Baldwin faced up to 18 months in prison.

Baldwin's attorneys now claim that the prosecution withheld crucial evidence from them. It involves a series of cartridges that surfaced a few months ago and were presented in a briefcase by the judge in court on Friday. From the defense's perspective, these cartridges should have been part of the ballistic investigations earlier – the prosecution withheld them, according to the "New York Times" the argumentation of Baldwin's attorneys. This represents a significant procedural error by the state, as potential new evidence was not made available to the defense.

  1. During the court proceedings, renowned New Mexico judge Mary Marlowe Sommer is known for presiding over various high-profile cases, including the ongoing case against Alec Baldwin.
  2. Hilaria Baldwin, the supportive wife of actor Alec Baldwin, has been by his side throughout the tumultuous legal process related to the incident on the 'Rust' movie set in New Mexico.
  3. The unexpected halt in the trial against Alec Baldwin in the Santa Fe public prosecutor's office has drawn attention from stars and people across the United States of America, eagerly following the developments in the Process (Court).
  4. After the motion granted by Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer, Alec Baldwin emotionally thanked his defense team and expressed his gratitude to his wife, Hilaria Baldwin, in front of the cameras outside the court building in New Mexico.
  5. The intricate case against Alec Baldwin, involving the firing of a live bullet that tragically resulted in cinematographer Halyna Hutchins' death on the 'Rust' set in 2021, is now subject to scrutiny due to alleged withholding of potential exonerating evidence from the United States prosecution.

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