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Problem decoration? No Christmas tree in Hamburg daycare center causes a scandal

A Hamburg daycare center no longer wants to put up a Christmas tree and argues with religious freedom. Parents react indignantly.

For many families, the Christmas tree is part of the Advent season. Nevertheless, one
For many families, the Christmas tree is part of the Advent season. Nevertheless, one Hamburg daycare center no longer wants to put one

Parental rebellion - Problem decoration? No Christmas tree in Hamburg daycare center causes a scandal

For many people, the festively decorated Christmas tree is as much a part of Christmas as stripes on a zebra. It is a tradition. However, one daycare center in Hamburg no longer wants to take part in this tradition. The management of the Mobi daycare center in the Lokstedt district informed parents in a letter that the tree will no longer be put up there in future. The decision caused a real scandal. Many parents were outraged, even sensing a rampant "cancel culture". The Hamburger Abendblatt reported first.

The decision made by the team at the Mobi daycare center was not a rash one. There is an inclusive idea behind the decision to do without the Christmas tree. The management of the daycare center informed parents in a letter that they had decided "not to exclude any child or their faith". In order to guarantee religious freedom, they no longer wanted to celebrate Christian festivals. However, decorations were still used in the daycare center, albeit in a faith-neutral way. The decorations were "adapted" accordingly. The decorations included homemade Advent calendars.

The Christmas tree as a problem decoration?

According to Linda Köster, who is on the board of the daycare provider "Stiftung Kindergärten Finkenau", there is nothing wrong with the Christmas tree. However, it is up to the individual teams to decide which Christmas traditions to adopt and which not. And this team decided against a Christmas tree, contrary to the parents' wishes, according to Bild. Köster emphasizes that not all traditions can be implemented.

According to the Hamburger Abendblatt newspaper, the idea of celebrating Christmas but no longer putting a Christian stamp on it out of respect for other cultural and religious backgrounds really upset some parents. The Christmas tree as a problem decoration? Many parents find this line of thought just as hard to understand as the fact that Christmas markets are now often called winter markets.

Read also:

  1. Despite the outcry from some parents, the management of the Mobi daycare center in Hamburg decided to renounce the traditional Christmas tree to uphold religious freedom, opting instead for faith-neutral decorations such as homemade Advent calendars.
  2. The Hamburger Abendblatt reported on the controversy, stating that parents were upset by the decision to celebrate Christmas without a Christian symbol, finding it hard to comprehend the transformation of Christmas markets into winter markets.
  3. Upon hearing of the controversy, Linda Köster, a member of the board of the daycare provider "Stiftung Kindergärten Finkenau", supported the individual teams' right to choose which traditions to adopt, acknowledging that not all traditions can be implemented due to various factors.




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