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Pro-Palestinian demonstrations planned for New Year's Eve in Neukölln

The situation on New Year's Eve in Berlin was already likely to be explosive. Several pro-Palestinian demonstrations have now been registered for the evening. The police are considering banning them.

Since the Hamas terror attack on Israel and the start of the Gaza war, there have been
Since the Hamas terror attack on Israel and the start of the Gaza war, there have been repeated riots at pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Berlin-Neukölln.

Berlin - Pro-Palestinian demonstrations planned for New Year's Eve in Neukölln

According to the police, several pro-Palestinian demonstrations have been registered for New Year's Eve in Berlin-Neukölln. There is also a registration for a pro-Israeli gathering in Neukölln on Sunday evening, the police announced.

In view of the already volatile situation on New Year's Eve, the heated atmosphere in Neukölln and the fireworks that usually start in the early evening, the police have asked the organizers to register demonstrations at other locations and times.

Bans are being examined

Bans are also being examined, however. A high-ranking police representative said that these demonstrations could not be permitted there and on that evening.

A demonstration for Palestine is planned to begin at 10 p.m. in Neukölln and end at midnight. The announced number of participants is 100, but the police are expecting a much larger number. At the same time, a rally in support of Israel is to take place nearby. Another pro-Palestinian demonstration has already been announced for the afternoon, also in Neukölln.

Since the terrorist attack on Israel by the Islamist Hamas on October 7, there have been constant demonstrations in Berlin in connection with the Gaza war. There have also been riots in the past.

Read also:

  1. Despite the bans being examined, pro-Palestinian demonstrations are still planned for New Year's Eve in Berlin's Neukölln district, with a large expected turnout.
  2. The volatile situation in Neukölln, coupled with the heated atmosphere and early evening fireworks, has led the police to request demonstrations be registered at different locations and times.
  3. In contrast, a pro-Israeli gathering is also scheduled for Neukölln on Sunday evening, as announced by the police.
  4. The Gaza war has led to constant demonstrations in Berlin, with Israel as the focus, following a terrorist attack by Hamas on October 7.
  5. Beyond this, there have been previous riots in Berlin connected to the Gaza conflict, raising security concerns for New Year's Eve events in areas like Neukölln.




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