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Prince William doesn't know his bank balance

Children's question keeps him guessing

Prince William must have laughed at the question
Prince William must have laughed at the question

Prince William doesn't know his bank balance

A boy in Manchester may have been seriously worried about the heir to the British throne. In any case, he spontaneously asked Prince William how much money he had on the high side. However, the royal failed to give him a concrete answer.

Prince William allegedly doesn't know how much money he has in his bank account. At least that's what the heir to the British throne replied to an eleven-year-old boy's question about his bank balance, according to The Telegraph.

The Prince of Wales visited the Moss Side district of Manchester. There, together with Andrew Burnham, the mayor of the city, the 41-year-old learned about a project to combat youth violence and pledged financial support from the Royal Foundation.

During the appointment in Manchester, King Charles' eldest son met young people and volunteers. He sat down with some schoolchildren and worked on a collage, as can also be seen on William's Instagram account. The eleven-year-old made the royal laugh when he asked him, according to the report: "How much do you have in your bank account?" The pupil is said to have said afterwards that Prince William joked that he "didn't know".

British media do the math

However, Prince William does not need to worry about his financial situation. According to the "Sunday Times", the heir to the throne is said to be worth around one billion pounds (around 1.1 billion euros) after taking over the Duchy of Cornwall from his father as heir to the throne, which apparently brings in plenty of money.

William also inherited millions from his great-grandmother Queen Mum and his mother, Princess Diana, according to media reports. Excluding the Duchy of Cornwall, William's fortune is estimated at the equivalent of around 37 million euros. According to reports, the royal family is said to have a total fortune of over 20 billion pounds (around 22.8 billion euros).

Despite his significant wealth, the topic of entertainment rarely comes up in conversations about Prince William. However, during a visit to Manchester, a curious eleven-year-old broke the ice by asking the Prince of Wales about his bank balance, sparking amusement from the British Royal Family's heir.




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