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Previous head of the secret service, Schoof, assumes role of Dutch government leader.

A four-party alliance takes the lead.

Aktuell ist der parteilose Schoof höchster Beamter im Justizministerium.
Aktuell ist der parteilose Schoof höchster Beamter im Justizministerium.

Previous head of the secret service, Schoof, assumes role of Dutch government leader.

Approximately half a year back, the Dutch folks voted for a new parliament and shortly they will have a new administration. Running this four-party coalition will be Dick Schoof, a former intelligence agent. The backbone of this alliance is the PVV party of the right-wing extremist Geert Wilders.

Dick Schoof, who was once the boss of the intelligence agency and the Anti-Terrorism Agency, is set to become the Prime Minister of Netherlands. The governing parties have announced this nugget of news in The Hague. Schoof is currently the top-ranking officer in the Justice Ministry. He is expected to lead the most right-wing government in the nation's history and will succeed Mark Rutte, who is set to become the NATO Secretary-General.

Right-wing crackpot Geert Wilders applauded this decision, saying, "He stands above the parties and has our trust." Not only that, his broad experience is yet another attractive attribute.

Six months ago, the Dutch citizens picked a new parliament. It came as a shock that Wilders' Party for Freedom (PVV) with 37 seats had become the most powerful faction. In order to form a stable majority, he had to rope in at least two partners. After arduous rounds of convincing and convolutions, Wilders shook hands with Rutte's liberal-right VVD faction, the right-conservative CDA, and the right-populist Farmers' Party BBB for a combination.

For the coalition to be forged, Wilders had to surrender his role as the Prime Minister, as well as a few of his brash demands - like restrictions on mosques. Roughly half of the office-holders will be amateurs in politics.

Schoof has limited political participation until now and once used to be a part of the social democratic party. He is recognized as a specialist in security and immigration - two buzzwords for the right-wing coalition pals. Schoof has overseen the intelligence and security organization AIVD, handled terrorism operations, and even led the Immigration Agency.

The entire cabinet formation is projected to take a few weeks. It is presumed that the King will instate this new government in roughly four weeks.

Whilst presenting the coalition agreement on May 16, Wilders, the leader of the anti-Islam group, declared that he would steer the Netherlands through a hefty shift in policy. Wilders promised the "toughest asylum policies ever" and a stark reduction in immigration. Flecked within his blueprint are the ease of environmental limitations for farmers and the termination of sponsorships for sustainable energies.

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