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President Biden talks about the future.

Now it is confirmed that Joe Biden is no longer running for the Presidency. He gave a speech to the Nation.

The departing US President Joe Biden called for unity in his speech to the nation.
The departing US President Joe Biden called for unity in his speech to the nation.

Call out to the nation - President Biden talks about the future.

After submitting his resignation letter, the incumbent US President Joe Biden (81) delivered his eagerly anticipated TV speech to the Nation. In the approximately eleven-minute-long address, the 81-year-old clarified not only the reasons behind his decision to withdraw from the upcoming US elections but also revealed his plans for the remaining six months of his presidency.

At the beginning of his speech, he listed some of the most significant presidents of the United States and declared, "I revere this office, but I love my country more." He would have happily served for another four years as president. However, he considered the defense of Democracy, which is at stake, more important than any title.

Although he never mentioned the name of the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (78) explicitly, it was clear whom he meant in the following passage of his speech: "America must choose whether it wants to move forward or backward. Between hope and hatred, between unity and division. We must decide if we still believe in honesty, decency, respect, freedom, justice, and democracy."

More than ever, it is now important to strive for unity and view those with differing opinions not as enemies. In the spirit of unity within his democratic party, his decision to withdraw from the campaign was made. "That's why I have decided that the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. That's the best way to unite our nation."

What will happen until the end of his term?

In the context of his announcement that he would no longer seek re-election, there were public speculations about an early resignation as US President. However, Biden will not take this step, as he indicated in his speech. Instead, he will focus "in the next six months [...] on getting my job done as President." This includes not only the fight against hatred and for self-determination but also the combat against the climate crisis, which Trump and many of his party colleagues have publicly denied.

At the end of his speech, Biden reiterated that he had given his heart and soul to the USA, not only as President but also during the 50 years he served in various offices. He also praised his now-candidate Vice President Kamala Harris (59), describing her as "experienced, capable, and ready. She was an incredible partner for me and a leader for our country. Now the decision is yours, the American people."

  1. Joe Biden, the current US-President, emphasized the importance of defending Democracy, even if it meant stepping down from his Presidency Office.
  2. The US-President Joe Biden, in his TV speech to the Nation, highlighted the significance of choosing hope over hatred and unity over division for America's future.
  3. Kamala Harris, as the Vice President, was praised by Joe Biden in his speech for being experienced, capable, and ready to lead America, implying her potential Presidency.
  4. Despite the public speculations, Joe Biden, the US-President, clarified that he will not resign early and instead will focus on completing his presidency duties.
  5. In his speech, Joe Biden, the US-President, called on Americans to decide whether they want to move forward with a vision of unity and democracy, subtly expressing his disapproval of Donald Trump's political stance.

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