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Pre-Christmas parcel delivery thriller from Cologne

In "Tatort: Des Anderen Last", a parcel carrier is brutally murdered in the run-up to Christmas. Is it worth watching the new Cologne crime thriller?

"Tatort: Des Anderen Last" (from right): Max Ballauf (Klaus J. Behrendt), Natalie Förster (
"Tatort: Des Anderen Last" (from right): Max Ballauf (Klaus J. Behrendt), Natalie Förster (Tinka Fürst), Freddy Schenk (Dietmar Bär) and Norbert Jütte (Roland Riebeling) at the Christmas

"Crime Scene: The Other's Burden" - Pre-Christmas parcel delivery thriller from Cologne

Detectives Max Ballauf (Klaus J. Behrendt, 63) and Freddy Schenk (Dietmar Bär, 62) investigate in pre-Christmas Cologne. In"Tatort: Des Anderen Last" (3.12., 20:15, das Erste), they have to solve the murder of a parcel carrier.

What is "Tatort: Des Anderen Last" about?

Courier driver Milan Strasser (Dennis Svensson, born 1996) transports hundreds of parcels through the city every day. The already stressful situation in the run-up to Christmas is made even more difficult by having to wear a Santa Claus costume that is far too hot. A demand made by the shipping company boss Sybille Jäger (Susanne Bredehöft, 66): "No costume, no Christmas bonus," is her simple calculation.

While Milan is in the process of taking parcels out of the hold, the young father is suddenly threatened with a knife by a masked person - and finally killed in the middle of a residential area. When Ballauf and Schenk arrive at the crime scene, they discover that almost all the parcels have been searched and opened. So was it a robbery-murder?

Is it worth tuning in?

Yes, just in time for the peak ordering season, the crime thriller fits very well into the pre-Christmas period. It's an important topic that viewers will probably become a little more aware of with this film. That's why "Tatort" gets an A with a star for its social relevance.

Above all, it tells of the great pressure in the parcel delivery industry. "200 parcels minimum a day - do you think you can handle that?" asks the parcel service boss to a potential employee in her run-down company headquarters. The fact that customers do not always sufficiently appreciate the mentally and physically demanding work is also discussed. "It used to be different as a letter carrier, when you were still respected," recalls a resigned parcel carrier of pre-online shopping times. "Time is money, especially in this business" - this becomes clear in this crime thriller.

On the sidelines of the investigation, the Cologne team of investigators is also having a festive time. "Where have you been all this time?" asks Ballauf. "Christmas presents," replies Schenk briefly and succinctly. "You can order them on the Internet," Ballauf wonders. "So that the poor bastards have even more to lug around?" replies Schenk.

The crime thriller is exciting right to the end - the fact that the resolution seems rather contrived is only a side note. What is not a side note, however, is a personal matter: "Tatort: Des Anderen Last" is the last film with actor Dieter Schaad (1926-2023). The Wiesbaden artist died on February 4 of this year at the age of 96. In the crime thriller, he can be seen once again as a lonely and particularly amiable neighbor. At the beginning of the year, he also starred in "Tatort: Lenas Tante" with Ludwigshafen investigator Lena Odenthal (Ulrike Folkerts, 62).

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