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Prague assassin confesses to previous murder of father and baby

Before the deadly rampage at Prague University that left 14 people dead, the perpetrator apparently killed a baby and its father. This is according to a letter left behind by the gunman.

Scene of the crime: the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of
Scene of the crime: the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of

Amok run - Prague assassin confesses to previous murder of father and baby

In a farewell letter before the bloodbath at Charles University, the Prague assassin claimed responsibility for the double murder of a walker and his baby. The letter was found in the house in Hostoun where the assassin lived with his father, a police spokesman confirmed to the news portal "" on Wednesday. "What else was in the letter cannot be published at the moment," the spokesperson added. Further investigations and witness hearings are currently underway, which the police do not want to jeopardize.

A few days ago, police investigators had already announced that the ballistic examination of a firearm found in the student's house had confirmed the suspicion that he could also have been responsible for this crime. This act for no apparent reason had already shocked the Czech public before the gun attack in Prague.

Entire arsenal of weapons acquired

According to the investigation so far, the 24-year-old killed his father in their shared house in the municipality of Hostoun west of Prague and the walker with his baby in a wooded area on the outskirts of Prague before his attack on the university. On December 21, he then shot and killed 14 people at the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University and seriously or critically injured 25 others before killing himself. The fact that the shooter was apparently able to legally acquire an entire arsenal of weapons without the authorities raising suspicion caused criticism. According to the police, he had legally acquired eight firearms, two of which were long guns.

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