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Possible heavy rainfall in certain regions of southern Germany.

Intense, uninterrupted rainfall and the potential for flooding are predicted by meteorologists for the upcoming weekend. The scenario is worsening in the southern regions.

Dark storm clouds hang over the landscape in Penzberg (Upper Bavaria). The German Weather Service...
Dark storm clouds hang over the landscape in Penzberg (Upper Bavaria). The German Weather Service has warned of thunderstorms in large parts of southern Germany.

German Meteorological Agency Issues Forecast Update - Possible heavy rainfall in certain regions of southern Germany.

The German Meteorological Agency (DWD) predicts intense rain showers in some regions of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria in the near future.

DWD has issued formal alerts for heavy and prolonged rain. Affected areas include the eastern part of Baden-Württemberg and several regions of Bavaria extending from the Baden-Württemberg border to around Regensburg and from the Alps to Bamberg. In these locations, the DWD foresees heavy and continuous rainfall. The weather service anticipates up to 100 liters of rainfall per square meter in these areas.

The DWD asserts that there's a potential risk to life and property due to submerged streets, underpasses, and buildings near water bodies. Landslides might also occur.

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