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Particularly women would be happy if they ran the race in November: Kamala Harris.
Particularly women would be happy if they ran the race in November: Kamala Harris.

Pop and film stars support Kamala Harris

After Joe Biden's Withdrawal, Kamala Harris Emerges as Potential Democratic Front-Runner for US Presidency

Following Joe Biden's withdrawal from the US Presidential race for 2024, Vice President Kamala Harris has become the focus as the new front-runner for the Democrats. She has announced her intention to run herself and is now receiving public support not only from Biden and democratic political leaders, but also from figures in the entertainment industry. With a potential victory in November, Kamala Harris would be the first woman to lead the USA.

Former Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who lost the election to Donald Trump in 2016, expressed her solidarity for Harris on social media. On Instagram, Clinton wrote under a shared photo with her colleague: "I have known Kamala Harris for a long time. This brilliant prosecutor will run against the convicted criminal Donald Trump and the Project 2025 agenda, which takes away our freedoms. But she can't do it alone. Will you be part of this historic campaign?"

"It's a Woman's World"

Singer Katy Perry posted a short video on Instagram in response to Biden's withdrawal, singing a part of her new single "Woman's World" into the camera: "It's a woman's world and you can be happy living in it." She captioned her post: "Here it is. This is the title." In her story, she also reposted a post with Harris' new song playing in the background.

Actress Jamie Lee Curtis not only thanked Joe Biden for his work and his decision, but also announced her support for Harris without reservation. "I support Joe Biden and his decision to step down and wholeheartedly support Kamala Harris. She is trustworthy and has proven herself, she is a passionate advocate for women's rights and People of Color. Her message is one of hope and unity for America in a time of great national division."

"She is ready for this fight"

Singer John Legend also joined in with a statement on social media. "I am ready to help the pro-democratic coalition push back against Trump's authoritarian and suppressive Project 2025 and elect Kamala Harris as our President. She is ready for this fight and I am excited to help in any way I can," he wrote on X.

Singer Ariana Grande showed her support for Kamala Harris as a Presidential candidate on her social media channels. She reposted Biden's post about his support for Harris and added a link for US citizens to register to vote.

In the realm of pop music, Ariana Grande expressed her support for Kamala Harris' presidential campaign, sharing Biden's post about her endorsement and including a link for citizens to register to vote. John Legend, another renowned singer, voiced his readiness to aid the pro-democratic coalition in opposing Donald Trump's authoritarian agenda and electing Harris as president, affirming her readiness for the fight.

The entertainment industry's support for Harris extended beyond music, with actress Jamie Lee Curtis expressing her wholehearted backing, praising Harris' trustworthiness and her advocacy for women's rights and People of Color. Her message of hope and unity for America resonated with Curtis in a time of significant national division.

Influence from the entertainment world also reached Kamala Harris' potential rival, with former Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton expressing solidarity for Harris on social media, urging her followers to join her historic campaign against Donald Trump and the Project 2025 agenda.

Meanwhile, Katy Perry, a prominent pop singer, responded to Biden's withdrawal from the race with an Instagram post, quoting her song "Woman's World" and hinting that the title might have a significant meaning for the upcoming election.

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