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Police rescue dog Ayla from mountain rescue after eight days

A hike in the Swiss mountains turned into a drama for a 61-year-old man. His dog fell into the depths. He mourned the animal's death - until the police called.

Ayla and her owner are overjoyed: the dog was rescued during a search and rescue operation in...
Ayla and her owner are overjoyed: the dog was rescued during a search and rescue operation in Appenzellerland

Switzerland - Police rescue dog Ayla from mountain rescue after eight days

A dog owner from Baden-Württemberg is delighted about the rescue of his believed-to-be-dead bitch Ayla. The animal was found eight days after its fall in the Swiss Alps, as the canton police reported. The 61-year-old had been hiking with the shepherd bitch at the 2500-meter-high Säntis. On a snowfield, Ayla slipped out and fell before the eyes of her owner.

The man saw the bitch lying motionless on the steep terrain below him with his field knife. Despite long waiting and many calls and whistles, the man could no longer detect a reaction from Ayla. "Deeply shocked and with the certainty that his bitch Ayla did not survive the fall", the 61-year-old had set off on the descent and the return journey, according to the police.

Uninjured bitch

Last weekend, authorities finally received a tip from hikers that a dog was located in inaccessible terrain in the mountain region. The rescuers went and retrieved the animal. Despite the deep fall and the one-week stay in extremely inaccessible terrain, the bitch was uninjured and in very good condition, according to the police.

Initially, a search was carried out precautionarily for a possible owner or female companion – in vain. According to the chip number of the bitch, the breeder and the owner were traced down. The man from the Freiburg area was now able to happily take his bitch back into his arms.

  1. Despite the perplexity and assumption of Ayla's demise, the police in Germany, specifically in Baden-Württemberg, were relieved to learn that the fall had not resulted in any injuries for the Swiss Alps' unharmed bitch.
  2. Surprisingly, the police in Switzerland received a tip from hikers about a distressed dog in a remote Swiss Alps mountain region, which turned out to be Ayla, the supposedly deceased bitch from Germany.
  3. The police in Switzerland notified their counterparts in Germany about the location of the uninjured bitch Ayla, who had wandered off from her 61-year-old owner during a hike in the Swiss Alps, causing a distressing situation.

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