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Podcast moderators are shielding Mockridge

Podcast moderators are shielding Mockridge

Luke Mockridge experiences repercussions following his insensitive comments towards disabled sports competitions. The two podcast hosts, Shayan Garcia and Nizar Akremi, who ignited the uproar, now retaliate against their detractors, accusing them of "defamation and instigation."

Following Mockridge's insensitive remarks, podcast duo Garcia and Akremi have defended their guest. At first, Garcia announced the discontinuation of their podcast "Die Deutschen" in a 12-minute Instagram video, stating, "We've caused too much harm, so we must shut it down." However, Akremi retorted, "Nope! Nothing is ceasing here," and launched a counter-attack against critics who advocated for public retribution against Mockridge and the hosts.

Regarding Mockridge, Akremi berated the critics, "You're attempting to dismantle a man over a joke that others didn't appreciate. He's lost everything, and it's still insufficient for you." Garcia added, "We're not responsible for the murder of anyone," and threatened legal action against anyone charged with "defamation and instigation." The trio made disparaging remarks and gestures regarding disabled sports during their podcast, provoking strong public backlash. Mockridge had quipped, "Those individuals missing limbs and physical abilities are thrown into a pool, and the last one to sink wins," which was greeted with laughter among the hosts.

Sat.1 subsequently axed Mockridge's new TV series "What's in the Box?" from its roster. Mockridge himself apologized to the athletes and canceled the initial shows of his tour "Funny Times," according to the promoter. Akremi's event in Berlin was also scrapped.

Concluding their video, the podcast hosts addressed "those with physical disabilities who feel profoundly hurt and whose human dignity was offended," as Garcia noted. "We genuinely apologize. It was by no means our intention to harm you." However, they did not offer an apology to their critics, who they characterized as "relishing in this debacle."

In response to the criticism directed towards Mockridge, Garcia and Akremi stood by their guest, with Akremi asserting, "We're not condemning him for a mere joke." Garcia further emphasized, "The entertainment industry should allow room for creative freedom, even if some find humor distasteful."

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