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Pistorius withdraws thoughts of obligatory military service.

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Möchte die Bundeswehr für die Zukunft gut aufstellen: Verteidigungsminister Pistorius.
Möchte die Bundeswehr für die Zukunft gut aufstellen: Verteidigungsminister Pistorius.

Pistorius withdraws thoughts of obligatory military service.

In the German military, the Bundeswehr, there aren't many young people actively wanting to join its depleted ranks. Thus, a return to mandatory military service is improbable. Instead, Defense Minister Pistorius intends to attract potential recruits using positive incentives.

For the first time, Bundesverteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius has shared his plans for a new military service with the SPD presidium. As per "Spiegel," he shared their own sources.

reportedly, the new recruitment model would primarily rely on volunteers, ruling out the possibility of reinstating a mandatory military service system where individuals could be forceably drafted against their will.

The Defense Ministry intends to entice potential recruits with incentives for voluntary enlistment in the Bundeswehr. Speculated incentives include a complimentary driver's license or simplified access to educational programs for those who completed their military service voluntarily. Additionally, there are whispers about discounts on student loans or language classes.

The Bundeswehr aims to expand

Pistorius plans to distribute a questionnaire reminiscent of a draft to all 18-year-olds, gathering information about their physical status. But there's no obligation to enlist. The questionnaire is predicted to spark curiosity about the Bundeswehr's operations. The Bundeswehr currently recruits potential soldiers via postcards.

The Pistorius plan is reportedly met with skepticism within the Defense Ministry. This path is considered "least likely to meet the demand" in internal files.

Currently, the German military has around 180,000 active-duty personnel. The target is to reach 203,000 by 2031. However, achieving this goal seems unlikely with the current state of military personnel. The number of active servicemembers is steadily declining.

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