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Pistorius seeks an additional nearly four billion for Ukraine.

Lindner indicates accord

"Exceptionally collegial, open and cordial": Pistorius praises Lindner during talks on the defense...
"Exceptionally collegial, open and cordial": Pistorius praises Lindner during talks on the defense budget.

Pistorius seeks an additional nearly four billion for Ukraine.

Germany's Finance Minister, Lindner, has announced that negotiations for the 2025 federal budget will be challenging. However, a media report suggests that Defense Minister Pistorius should not complain, as his request for an immediate arms aid of almost four billion euros for Kiev has received a positive response from Lindner's party, the FDP.

As per the report, the German government plans to significantly increase military aid for Ukraine in 2022. The Federal Ministry of Defense has put forth an additional requirement of 3.8 billion euros for military support, according to the "Bild am Sonntag" newspaper. So far in 2022, the ruling coalition has allocated 7.1 billion euros for military aid, but almost all of it has already been planned with only 300 million euros left for new ammunition and weapon purchases, the newspaper notes, citing government sources.

To cover this over-budgeted expenditure, the proposal will be submitted to parliament for approval in June. The finance ministry led by Christian Lindner has given its approval. "Germany should not back down from strengthening Ukraine's defense. If possible, we should provide more weapons this year," Lindner's ministry was quoted as saying. There's no need for a suspension of the debt brake, the ministry added, stating that "if a consensus can be reached within the government, we'll find ways in this current budget year."

Report: 6.7 Billion Euros More for the Bundeswehr

Defense Minister Pistorius has requested an additional 6.7 billion euros for the Bundeswehr in the 2025 budget. His ministry is planning to estimate a total of 15 billion euros for aid to Ukraine.

Pistorius had earlier dismissed rumours of his fatigue following tough negotiations for more funds for the Bundeswehr. "Let me clarify, I'm still very committed to this role and you won't see me leaving anytime soon," said the SPD politician in Berlin on a recent Thursday. He did admit to being frustrated at a meeting with Bundestag specialists. He was quoted as saying, "I don't have to do this here". The meeting with Lindner on the defense budget was "remarkably collegial, open, and cordial", Pistorius continued.

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Pistorius' request for an additional 6.7 billion euros for the Bundeswehr in the 2025 budget includes an estimate of 15 billion euros for aid to Ukraine. Despite the challenging negotiations for the federal budget in 2025, Lindner's approval for the over-budgeted military aid to Ukraine indicates that Germany is committed to strengthening Ukraine's defense.


