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Pistorius promises Moldova ongoing assistance.

Following Ukraine, the German Defense Minister travels to the neighboring minuscule republic of Moldova, conveying a significant message.

Federal Minister of Defence Boris Pistorius (r) is greeted with military honors by his Moldovan...
Federal Minister of Defence Boris Pistorius (r) is greeted with military honors by his Moldovan counterpart Anatolie Nosatii.

Defense Ministry Head - Pistorius promises Moldova ongoing assistance.

Boris Pistorius, the Defense Minister, has pledged assistance to Moldova, a small neighboring country, in facing troubles from Moscow. During a meeting with Anatolie Nosatii, his Moldovan counterpart, in Chisinau's capital, Pistorius said, "We'll work together to combat Russian endeavors to carry out hybrids warfare to destabilize other nations." Moldova is a part of the European family and has made substantial progress towards accession talks with the European Union.

Hybrid warfare involves traditional military actions, economic pressure, cyber attacks, and propaganda via media and social networks.

Additional Support for Moldova Against Russia

Pistorius guaranteed Moldova further aid in resisting threats from Russia. Agreements for the delivery of additional 14 Piranha-3H-type armored vehicles have been sealed. So far, 19 of these vehicles have been provided to Moldova by 2023. The delivery of portable missile defense systems is projected to commence in the upcoming year. Furthermore, Germany supports Moldova in defending drones.

Besides, Germany is arranging for first-aid kits valued at roughly one million euros to be delivered to the entire Moldovan military, according to Pistorius. The goal is to enhance the readiness of Moldova's defense.

Nosatii expressed gratitude towards Germany for its support through humanitarian projects and assistance in the logistics field over the past three decades. So far, more than 430 Moldovan soldiers have undergone training in various areas, such as medical, artillery, and military training. He now wishes to have "sufficient defense capabilities, to maintain peace, and to guarantee a secure and prosperous environment for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova," according to an official translation.

German-Moldavian Military Collaboration since 2003

The German-Moldavian military collaboration dates back to 2003, when an agreement on cooperation in the military sector was finalized. Nosatii showed Pistorius examples of projects unveiled in a barracks, instigated by Germany to make the country more resistant to destabilization attempts from Moscow. These included various Piranha-type transport vehicles.

Moldova's Pro-European President, Maia Sandu, is attempting to strengthen ties with the EU, where her country has been a candidate for accession for around two years. However, Russia wields significant influence in the impoverished ex-Soviet nation with a population of around 2.5 million. This is especially true in the separatist region of Transnistria, where Russian soldiers have been stationed since the 1990s. In the context of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine, there are continuous concerns that Moscow could leverage unrest in the region as an excuse to intensify the situation.

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