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Pietro Lombardi's fiancée fears early labor

Risk in public dispute

Waiting for their second child together: Pietro Lombardi and Laura Maria Rypa.
Waiting for their second child together: Pietro Lombardi and Laura Maria Rypa.

Pietro Lombardi's fiancée fears early labor

Between Pietro Lombardi and his Ex-Wife Sarah Engels, there is currently a dispute over their son Alessio. The pregnant fiancée of the "Germany Seeks the Superstar" winner seems to be affected by the stress. In an Instagram story, as reported by Laura Maria Rypa, her "lower abdominal pains" of the last few days have consequences.

After the public spat between Pietro Lombardi and his Ex-Wife Sarah Engels over their son Alessio, the heavily pregnant fiancée of the "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" winner is concerned about the health of her unborn baby. As Laura Maria Rypa revealed in an Instagram story, her "lower abdominal pains" of the last few days have become a problem.

"Originally, the routine check-up was supposed to be next week. Due to my complaints, I was at the doctor's today," writes the 28-year-old next to a photo of herself, belly-free in a gray jogging suit at the CTG. "The little one is doing well so far, but I already have a funnel-shaped cervix, which shouldn't be the case. What that exactly means? The risk of premature birth is there."

Their common son of Laura and Pietro Lombardi was born in January 2023 six weeks prematurely. Leano weighed only 1900 grams. Stress can increase the risk of premature birth. The former legal assistant appeals to other pregnant women: "To all moms out there: Please listen to your body/your complaints during pregnancy and go to the doctor more often than less!" She also announced: "I will therefore also withdraw here until things are back in order." Pietro Lombardi could not be present at the doctor's appointment because the singer is in Mallorca.

Family dispute over Malle-vacation

Pietro Lombardi and his Ex-Wife Sarah Engels caused a stir a few days ago after a public dispute. In response to a question from her followers during an Instagram Q&A session about why she had traveled to Japan without their son Alessio and left him instead with his father Pietro Lombardi at the Ballermann, Sarah Engels replied that she would not comment on "such private matters." This gave Pietro Lombardi the opportunity to publicly attack his ex.

While he ignored her comments about being a bad mother at Instagram, she retaliated with her response: "Why don't you simply answer the question with 'Because he's with his father on vacation and having a great time'", complained Pietro Lombardi. In several Instagram stories, he made it clear: "I just want Alessio to see Julian as a father. Alessio tells me that he calls me Papi. No woman in my life will be called Mami, because there is only one Mami and that's you."

He and his fiancée Laura Maria Rypa wish Sarah Engels' family only the best. "But the problem is, you don't wish us the same," so the 32-year-old. "You hate it when Alessio is here. He tells me more than you think."

Despite the ongoing dispute between Pietro Lombardi and his ex-wife Sarah Engels over their son Alessio, celebrity couple Pietro and his fiancée Laura Engels remain hopeful for a peaceful family dynamic. The recent health concerns of Laura, who is currently pregnant with their second child, have added an extra layer of stress to their situation. In a heartfelt Instagram post, Laura shared her concerns about her "lower abdominal pains" and the risk of premature birth, urging other pregnant women to listen to their bodies.

This text should be translated without comments or repetition. Any unnecessary elements should be omitted. I will provide only a coherent English translation.

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