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Pierre needs an additional three billion dollars for Ukraine.

Lindner indicates his consent

"Exceptionally collegial, open and cordial": Pistorius praises Lindner during talks on the defense...
"Exceptionally collegial, open and cordial": Pistorius praises Lindner during talks on the defense budget.

Pierre needs an additional three billion dollars for Ukraine.

The upcoming negotiations regarding the 2025 federal budget will be challenging, reports Finance Minister Lindner. However, Defense Minister Pistorius doesn't seem to have much to complain about. His request for nearly four billion euros in immediate military aid for Kiev has received support from the FDP leader, Lindner.

According to a recent report, the German government plans to significantly increase military aid for Ukraine this year. The Federal Ministry of Defense is seeking an additional allocation of 3.8 billion euros for military assistance. So far this year, the coalition government has allocated 7.1 billion euros for military aid, but the majority of this sum is already reserved, with only 300 million euros remaining for purchasing new ammunition and weapons.

The overspending will need to be reviewed by parliament in June. The finance ministry under Lindner's leadership has given its approval. "Germany cannot ignore the need to bolster Ukraine's defense. If we can, we should provide more weapons this year," shared information from ministry circles with Bild am Sonntag. There is no need to suspend the debt brake according to Lindner. "If the government can reach an agreement, we'll find ways within the current budget year."

Report: 6.7 billion euros for the Bundeswehr in 2025

The Defense Ministry has requested an additional 6.7 billion euros for the Bundeswehr in the 2025 federal budget, as per media reports. Pistorious's ministry is set to project a funding requirement of 15 billion euros for aiding Ukraine.

Pistorious himself dismissed rumors of exhaustion, specifically in the context of challenging negotiations surrounding additional funds for the Bundeswehr. "To clarify: I am still very much committed to this position, and you won't be able to displace me easily," declared the SPD politician in Berlin on Thursday. While admitting to feeling irritated at a meeting with specialist politicians in the Bundestag, Pistorious stated, "I don't have to be doing this here," but later added that his discussion with Lindner on the defense budget was "extraordinarily collegial, open, and cordial."

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