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Petrol stations in Iran paralyzed

Speculation about hacker attack

Petrol stations in Iran paralyzed

Petrol stations in Iran are affected by a massive software problem. Among other things, the malfunction has affected the smart payment system at petrol pumps, the Iranian news agency Isna reported on Monday morning.

Around two-thirds of petrol stations in the country with a population of almost 90 million have been restricted as a result. The Iranian agency Ilna, which specializes in business news, reported an Israeli hacker attack as a possible cause of the disruption. There was initially no official confirmation from Iran's security authorities.

The Tasnim news agency, which is close to the influential Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), denied concerns about a possible price increase or shortage of fuel. The problem at the pumps is technical, it said in a post on Telegram.

Petrol is heavily subsidized by the state in Iran. Four years ago, high petrol prices triggered a wave of protests by the working class, which the state had violently suppressed.

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The speculation about the cause of the petrol station disruptions in Iran includes the possibility of a hacker attack, as reported by Ilna. Due to the attack, some filling stations are unable to process payments using their smart payment systems.




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