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Passengers involved in the turbulent flight require spinal surgeries.

Bubble formation above the Indian Sea

After the emergency landing in Bangkok, a number of injured people have to be treated in hospitals.
After the emergency landing in Bangkok, a number of injured people have to be treated in hospitals.

Passengers involved in the turbulent flight require spinal surgeries.

During breakfast service on a Singapore Airlines flight, a Boeing plane unexpectedly encountered immense air pockets, plunging over 1900 meters. Unfortunate passengers who chose not to secure their seatbelts were tossed into the ceiling. This unfolding calamity resulted in various injuries, with some victims requiring spinal surgeries. Tragically, a 73-year-old British man lost his life - potentially of a heart attack, according to authorities.

Despite approximately 100 injured individuals, Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital and other medical facilities in Bangkok stepped up to provide care for the wounded passengers. The hospital treated over 20 people in critical condition, and the injured included: six British, six Malaysians, three Australians, two Singaporeans, one individual from Hong Kong, one from New Zealand, and one from the Philippines.

The Boeing 777 was carrying 229 people - comprised of 211 passengers and 18 crew members - as it traveled from London to Singapore. While having breakfast on board, the jet experienced severe turbulence over the Indian Ocean. With an expeditious drop of nearly 2000 meters in three minutes, an emergency landing in Thailand became necessary.

Dramatic reports from passengers described the shocking situation. Malaysian Amelia Lim, aged 43, shared with "Malay Mail", "The plane suddenly plummeted and passengers who weren't wearing seatbelts were launched towards the ceiling." She recounted discovering herself lying facedown on the floor, ridden with fear and surrounded by blood. Her seatmate was motionless and grappled with potential spinal or hip injuries.

The true cause of the unexpected turbulence still remains ambiguous. Typically, people connect these unpredictable air movements with intense storms. Nonetheless, cirrus clouds without any clouds can generate turbulence, as do strong and speedy air currents formed by difference in temperature and pressure near thunderstorms.

Anita Mendiratta, a tourism and aviation expert hailing from London, emphasized the significance of passengers adhering to safety protocols and wearing their seatbelts during times of turbulence. Additionally, ensuring secure storage of hand luggage is crucial to avert any potential harm to fellow travelers. "Indeed, if there is turbulence, these compartments can unintentionally swing open and the items above can become potential dangers to everyone," she cautioned.

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