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Party with the Olympic Flame

Shortly before the opening ceremony, Snoop Dogg carried the torch with the Olympic flame in Paris - and seemed to enjoy it.

Snoop Dogg carrying the Olympic torch in Paris.
Snoop Dogg carrying the Olympic torch in Paris.

Snoop Dogg - Party with the Olympic Flame

Snoop Dogg (52) takes his honorable task with humor. As one of the last celebrities, the rapper accepted the Olympic torch at the Saint-Denis Stadium in the afternoon of July 26th. Before the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics, he was allowed to carry the torch a few meters under the applause of fans.

Cheers and Dance Performance

Pictures showed the broad grinning musician in the classic white Olympic outfit and with golden sneakers before the stadium facade. Snoop Dogg enjoyed his role as torchbearer, as can be seen in a post by the rapper and the official account of the Games. He greeted cheering fans at the sidelines, made the Peace sign with his fingers, and caused excitement with some dance steps.

A "big honor" for Snoop Dogg

In a press conference beforehand, Snoop Dogg emphasized in advance how special the moment with the Olympic torch was for him. "I consider it a great honor. I never allowed myself to dream of something like this. I will show myself from my best side", he promised.

For him, the torch relay became a special moment due to Muhammad Ali (1942-2016). The boxing legend, suffering from Parkinson's disease, had lifted the torch tremblingly, and the images had gone around the world. "It was very emotional for all of us to see how the Champion held the torch in his hand and carried it upwards. Exactly the same feeling for me", explained Snoop Dogg.

The self-proclaimed Olympic fan will still appear at the Olympics in other roles. He functions as a special correspondent for the US broadcaster NBC in Paris.

  1. Snoop Dogg looked forward to showcasing his best self during the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics, as he viewed carrying the Olympic torch as a significant "honor."
  2. Prior to the grand opening ceremony, images of Snoop Dogg, dressed in the traditional white Olympic outfit and wearing golden sneakers, could be seen smiling and dancing with fans, replicating Muhammad Ali's emotional moment with the torch.
  3. As the torchbearer tradition continued at the Olympic Games in Olympia, Snoop Dogg expressed his admiration for the iconic moment when Muhammad Ali, despite his Parkinson's disease, managed to lift the candle-lit torch with sheer determination.

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