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Parts of a lead sculpture by Anselm Kiefer stolen

A monumental work by Anselm Kiefer has been severely damaged in France and parts have been stolen. However, the thieves may not have been after the artistic value of the work.

The painter and sculptor Anselm Kiefer estimates the damage at more than one million euros.
The painter and sculptor Anselm Kiefer estimates the damage at more than one million euros.

France - Parts of a lead sculpture by Anselm Kiefer stolen

Thieves have severely damaged a monumental lead sculpture by the German artist Anselm Kiefer, who lives in France, and stolen parts of it from a warehouse near Paris.

The damage was estimated by 78-year-old Kiefer at more than one million euros, according to media reports from the Meaux public prosecutor's office. Kiefer has become world-famous for his historic, monumental and material-rich paintings and sculptures. In a ranking of the world's most important artists, the "Art Compass", Kiefer was listed in eighth place just over a month ago.

Video surveillance shows four people

The burglars broke into a warehouse belonging to Kiefer in Croissy-Beaubourg near Paris on Thursday night, according to the public prosecutor's office. The burglars were after a work of art that was secured by a strong wire mesh fence.

Video surveillance showed four people scaling the fence of the parking lot, entering the site, cutting the steel fence around the artwork and then taking lead ropes from which it was made, the AFP news agency quoted the public prosecutor's office as saying. The thieves were then put to flight by security after around 20 minutes.

Not an isolated case

The artist's studios have been broken into several times in the past. Back in 2016, a work of art in the warehouse was damaged and twelve tons of marble and ten tons of lead were stolen. The damage amounted to around 1.5 million euros. There was another attempted break-in in 2019. It was suspected that the thieves wanted to capitalize less on the artistic value of the artworks and more on the value of their materials.

Kiefer is currently also the focus of the film "Anselm - The Rush of Time". The production by Wim Wenders celebrated its German premiere in Berlin at the beginning of October. It tells the story of Kiefer's life without interviewing him. Kiefer is known for landscapes made of gold, sculptures, monumental cornfields and books made of lead.

Read also:

  1. Despite the significant damage and theft from Anselm Kiefer's lead sculpture in France, his historic and material-rich artworks have secured him a high ranking in the "Art Compass."
  2. The public prosecutor's office in Meaux, France, reported that the burglars targeted a warehouse belonging to Anselm Kiefer, a German artist living in France, near Paris.
  3. The criminality surrounding Anselm Kiefer's studios hasn't been isolated, as there have been past break-ins and incidents of artwork damage and material theft.
  4. Thieves who broke into Kiefer's warehouse in Croissy-Beaubourg, near Paris, successfully stole parts of his lead sculpture after cutting through the strong wire mesh fence and taking lead ropes.
  5. The German artist Anselm Kiefer, who creates landscapes with gold, monumental cornfields, and books made of lead, is currently the subject of Wim Wenders' film "Anselm - The Rush of Time."


