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Papua New Guinea apprehensive over potential death toll of over 2000.

A disastrous landslide occurred.

Noch immer suchen die Rettungskräfte mit allem, was sie haben, nach den Verschütteten.
Noch immer suchen die Rettungskräfte mit allem, was sie haben, nach den Verschütteten.

Papua New Guinea apprehensive over potential death toll of over 2000.

After the catastrophic landslide in Papua New Guinea, rescue teams are working feverishly against the clock. Barefooted and equipped with shovels, locals frantically look for survivors. An estimated 2000 individuals are being held on high hopes by the rescue teams.

The National Disaster Management Office in Papua New Guinea cautions a minimum of 2000 casualties after the disastrous landslide that transpired on Friday. This remark was made in a statement issued by the government agency. The landslide occurred in a secluded highland area of the Pacific island state during the night on Friday (local time). The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Papua New Guinea gives an estimated count of 670 casualties by Sunday.

The primary road leading to the region has been completely blocked, as per a message from the disaster management office directed to the United Nations in the capital Port Moresby. "The situation continues to be unstable, as the landslide is still moving slowly and poses a perpetual danger to both rescue teams and survivors," read the communication.

Whilst rescue teams fight tirelessly to save more survivors from the masses of earth and rock, time is of the essence. IOM mission chief Serhan Aktoprak, as quoted by the Australian Associated Press, said, "We can only pray that in the little time we have left, we can at least contribute to saving more lives." Aktoprak further commented to the German Press Agency that "three and a half days post the landslide, the chances are slim."

As seen in recent videos from the disaster-stricken zone, people were witnessed searching among the mammoth debris piles with bare feet and only shovels in hand. As per Aktoprak, most dwellings have been buried approximately 6 to 8 meters deep under the wreckage. The United Nations is assisting in the establishment of evacuation centers for those afflicted.

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