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Palina Rojinski causes whispering

Photographed with a millionaire

Doesn't like to talk about her private life: Palina
Doesn't like to talk about her private life: Palina

Palina Rojinski causes whispering

In TV shows, she chats away blithely. But Palina Rojinski usually keeps quiet about her private life. In the spring, she did reveal that she had broken off her engagement to an unknown partner. Now a man appears in her life again. But it's clear who he is.

Palina Rojinski is omnipresent on television - as a sidekick in the formats of her colleagues Joko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf, in advertising or as a talk show guest, such as recently in the RTL show "Disney 100" hosted by Thomas Gottschalk. When it comes to her life away from the TV cameras, however, the 38-year-old usually keeps a low profile.

In March, she made an exception to this rule. She posted an unusually clear statement on her Instagram page with around 3.2 million followers: "Ding Dong ... A quick announcement: I wanted to let you know that the engagement is off and I've been happy about my new chapter in life for a while! I'm doing wonderfully. I'm off to my private life again and wish everyone Peace, Love, Light and Harmony!"

The fact that Rojinski is engaged had already been leaked. Only who the man she wanted to marry actually was always remained a secret.

Photos from the "Red Cross Ball"

Now a man who apparently plays a role in the presenter's life is once again making headlines - even if it is still completely unclear exactly what role. The reason for this are photos that have emerged from a "Red Cross Ball" in Luxembourg, which took place almost two weeks ago. They show Rojinski next to a gentleman whose identity was quickly revealed.

The newspaper "Luxemburger Wort" reports that he is the 40-year-old entrepreneur Kindy Fritsch. He is 40 years old, lives in Monaco and already has two daughters. As the grandson of the founder of the Luxembourg supermarket chain "Cactus", he is also worth millions.

Meanwhile, speculation is rife as to how close Rojinski and Fritsch really are. Of course, the presenter herself has yet again not commented on this. Perhaps she will only speak out again when Fritsch no longer plays a role in her life.

Read also:

Palina Rojinski's new public appearance has sparked interest, as she was spotted at the "Red Cross Ball" in Luxembourg with entrepreneur Kindy Fritsch. This celebration of entertainment and charity brought the couple into the limelight, igniting speculation about their relationship.

Rojinski's previous appearances on TV shows and talk shows have not revealed much about her personal life, yet her relationship with Fritsch is a new chapter in the world of celebrity couples, who often make headlines in the entertainment industry.


