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Own Christmas market for a good cause

Cathy Hummels hosted her own Christmas market and numerous celebrities responded to her call. A golden heart was available for donations.

"Magic Christmas Market" with (from left) Sarah Engels, Natalia Yegorova (formerly
"Magic Christmas Market" with (from left) Sarah Engels, Natalia Yegorova (formerly Natalia Klitschko), host Cathy Hummels and Simone

Cathy Hummels - Own Christmas market for a good cause

Cathy Hummels (35) is using the pre-Christmas period to collect donations for socially disadvantaged children. To this end, the entrepreneur, influencer and presenter and her team organized their own Christmas market on Tuesday evening in front of the "Teatro" variety tent in Munich.

Her "Magic Christmas Market" opened at 3 p.m. and anyone who wanted to could place their donation in a golden donation heart they had created themselves. Many celebrities, including social media star Sophia Thiel, top model Papis Loveday, bestselling author Nena Brockhaus, comedian Matze Knop and "Let's Dance" star Christian Polanc, did not miss out on the event.

The "Teatro" show started at around 7 pm. Live musical acts included singer Sarah Engels, Mark Keller and his sons Aaron and Joshua - who also successfully auctioned off a large Santa Claus, as Hummels revealed on her Instagram account.

Cathy Hummels: "Many children can't experience this magic at Christmas"

According to the press release, the donations will benefit the organization "Children for a better World e.V.". "Especially as a mother, the most important thing in the world for me is children. Unfortunately, many children cannot experience this magic, especially at Christmas, due to their social disadvantage. This is precisely why we are deliberately collecting for 'Children for a better World' on this day, as it is particularly committed to helping these disadvantaged children," says Hummels, explaining her intention.

Natalia Yegorova (49) also enjoyed coming to the event:"Christmas is the best time for me because my mom, sister and children always come to see me," says the singer. At Christmas time, you also want to give this love to others who don't get it from home. That's why events like today are so important. "We don't always have to look far away, because there is a lot of inequality in Germany and we mustn't forget that," warns the ex-wife of Vitali Klitschko (52).

Actress Elena Uhlig (48) and her husband Fritz Karl (55) have four children together. She was also at the Munich event and explained why: "As a mother of four, the well-being of children is close to my heart [...] Christmas is the festival of charity and I want to pass that on to my children."

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