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Over 75% of businesses view the escalation of the AfD as a threat.

Germany as a Top Choice for Businesses

The AfD made significant gains in voter favorability last year.
The AfD made significant gains in voter favorability last year.

Over 75% of businesses view the escalation of the AfD as a threat.

A large number of bosses working in German businesses are worried about the increasing support for the AfD party, particularly its potential impact on Europe. This is based on a study conducted by the Institute of German Business (IW), which has strong ties with employers.

The IW conducted a survey involving over 900 companies in Germany and found that 77% of respondents feel the European Union and the euro could be at risk due to the AfD. 75% also expressed concerns about a damaged political culture. 19% of participants either couldn't give a clear answer or didn't want to comment. was the one to report on this striking revelation on Tuesday.

The AfD experienced a substantial increase in public approval last year. In eastern German states such as Saxony, Thuringia, and Saxony-Anhalt, their following is even above 30%. The IW's study investigated how this party's growth might affect various areas.

Results showed that 73% of companies are worried about the negative consequences that may come from the AfD's rise, including challenges with forming effective governments at both state and national levels and the retention of skilled workers. They are less concerned about their own company's prospects. 63% believe the cohesiveness of their workforce could suffer due to the AfD's influence. Larger companies and those in the service sector expressed more skepticism toward the AfD.

Just under 3.5% of the companies surveyed see a positive potential for the European Union because of the AfD's power. This percentage is also low for all other topics discussed. The most prominent percentage is for the assessment of 8% of top management from each company – they consider the AfD's rise an opportunity for effective government formation and Germany's reputation as a business hub.

However, about 25% of company bosses agree that the AfD's stances, on some level, are sensible or justifiable. Numerous businesses have openly criticized the party. 54% of the survey respondents claim they have done so within their own organization, while 47% of them have publicly spoken out against the party.

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