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Over 10 people lost their lives during an attack on Pakistan's armed forces.

Country's border by Afghanistan

Mindestens 10 Tote bei Angriff auf Pakistans Militär
Mindestens 10 Tote bei Angriff auf Pakistans Militär

Over 10 people lost their lives during an attack on Pakistan's armed forces.

A recent Islamist attack on a Pakistani military base near the Afghanistan border resulted in the deaths of at least five soldiers. This was reported by a local government official speaking to the German Press Agency.

The incident occurred in the restive Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in the northwestern part of the country. The notorious Pakistani Taliban (TTP) has claimed responsibility for the assault.

The TTP has been instigating violence in Pakistan for a considerable period of time. This militant group strives to implement Islamic Sharia law. While it shares ideological similarities with the Taliban in Afghanistan, they are separate entities.

The TTP is accused by the Pakistani government of receiving shelter and protection from the authorities in Kabul, which the Taliban in Afghanistan refute. This controversy has caused diplomatic strains between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

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