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Our current chancellor is exceptional, and he is set to become the next candidate for the position.

Pistorius to compete for chancellor position.

"We have an outstanding chancellor, and he will also be the next candidate for chancellor"
"We have an outstanding chancellor, and he will also be the next candidate for chancellor"

Our current chancellor is exceptional, and he is set to become the next candidate for the position.

The Federal Defense Minister, Boris Pistorius, dismissed rumors that his party, SPD, has plans for him to become chancellor. While speaking in Lithuania on Wednesday, he stated, "We already have a great chancellor and he will be our next candidate for chancellor." He considered these discussions unnecessary at this time.

Currently, Chancellor Olaf Scholz is the SPD's chosen candidate for chancellor in the upcoming federal elections. Over the weekend, a local SPD politician, Heiko Wittig, advocated for Pistorius' candidacy in the "Tagesspiegel" newspaper. Wittig, leader of the SPD parliamentary group in North Saxony, believed "Pistorius is clearly our number one," giving SPD the best chances of winning the 2025 federal elections. Without Pistorius, he predicted a "rude awakening."

So far, no official candidates have been chosen. However, Lars Klingbeil, the SPD party leader, reaffirmed Scholz's candidacy. The SPD is expected to select the candidate for chancellor next summer in 2025. For the CDU party, the question of their candidate remains unresolved. Recent events indicated that Hendrik Wüst still considers the decision to be open although Friedrich Merz was recently reelected as the CDU leader.

Please note that the above text has been paraphrased keeping the context, tone, and meaning of the original text intact.

Read also:

Despite Boris Pistorius' dismissal of rumors about his candidacy for chancellor, the SPD politician Heiko Wittig strongly advocated for Pistorius' chancellorship in the media. We still await an official announcement from the SPD about their chosen candidate for chancellor next summer.


