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Only now is her most beautiful decade beginning

In April, they will take to the stage for the last time: Marianne and Michael are looking forward to the adventures that await them afterwards.

Marianne and Michael Hartl will retire from the stage in
Marianne and Michael Hartl will retire from the stage in

Marianne and Michael - Only now is her most beautiful decade beginning

The folk music duo Marianne (70) and Michael Hartl (74) have their farewell from the stage firmly in sight. In April 2024, they will bid farewell to show business with a final performance in Thuringia. In an interview with the Bild newspaper, Marianne has now revealed how much she and her husband are looking forward to the time after their final tour. "We want to live! I'll be 71, Michael 75. Many friends and colleagues are dying around us," says the singer. "We don't want to sacrifice our golden years for our careers."

"The most beautiful decade is now dawning for us"

For their future away from the stage, they both want more time for family, golf, motor boating and their charity association "Frohes Herz". They are currently planning a four-week trip to Greece on their motorboat, which is moored in Croatia, as soon as the weather warms up again. "It's pure adventure with heart palpitations," says Marianne.

Although her job as a musician also involves traveling, it is very strenuous. "We were on the road a lot. We slept in hotels for hours on end. Plus the many rehearsals and gigs. That leaves its mark. After the tour, we will only sing privately, with our children and grandchildren."

After Michael Hartl's stroke in March 2022, they realized "how quickly things can go and how precious time together is". That was an impact. "We're not getting any younger. We know that we're on the home straight and that old age will strike. We have to take care of ourselves and stop exhausting ourselves. We hope to have many more happy and healthy years together," says Marianne. There is also life for them after the show. "The best decade is now dawning for us. Free from patterns and busy schedules."

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