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Onlookers harass New York's live streaming platform.

Instances also in Dublin.

The art installation in New York when the livestream was still running.
The art installation in New York when the livestream was still running.

Onlookers harass New York's live streaming platform.

A pair of futuristic video portals connect New York and Dublin through live video streaming. Users can interact with each other, laugh, and even show some skin. However, not everything was family-friendly, leading to the temporary shutdown of the connection.

It may seem like you're right next to someone, but in reality, it's thousands of kilometers away: two circular portals recently created a link between Dublin and New York through live video transmission. The artwork initially offered a true view of the other city, and it worked great at first. People would wave, play games like 'rock, paper, scissors', and engage in fun interactions. But after some inappropriate incidents, these portals to another realm have been deactivated temporarily. Irish broadcaster RTÉ mentioned that the installation will only be reactivated once a way to prevent abuse is found.

The artist behind this project, Benediktas Gylys, urged people to consider a seven-year-old child in New York who wants to interact with Dublin and wave to others. "This artwork is about us creating it together, and ensuring it's suitable for families is absolutely necessary," he said.

Unfortunately, not all interactions were appropriate. In New York, a woman exposed her breasts, while in Dublin, a man displayed his bare butt. Several individuals maneuvered their smartphones in front of the camera, revealing pornography or even the horrific events of September 9, 2001. The artwork is located in a busy street in Dublin, and next to the iconic Flatiron Building in New York.

The Dublin City Council was thrilled to see many visitors use the portal since its launch a week ago. "It's turned into a global phenomenon, and it's essential to point out that most people using the Dublin Portal behaved appropriately," they stated.

This isn't the first time such a project has been attempted. A similar portal linked Vilnius, Lithuania, and Lublin, Poland, for about two and a half years. This time, however, the art installation is drawing much more attention in both New York and Dublin. Millions of people with Irish heritage reside in the US.

The art installation in New York when the livestream was still running.

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