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One phone call is now enough to report children's illnesses

No more visits to the practice necessary

If you stay at home to look after a sick child, you can also get the certificate for your
If you stay at home to look after a sick child, you can also get the certificate for your employer over the

One phone call is now enough to report children's illnesses

Employees who need a short-term sick note can now save themselves a trip to the doctor's surgery. This now also applies if they are not sick themselves but have to look after a sick child.

Parents can now also obtain medical certificates stating that they need to look after a sick child by telephone and without an extra visit to the doctor's surgery. Certificates for the receipt of child sickness benefit are possible for a maximum of five days. This was announced by the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds following an agreement with the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians.

A further condition is that the child is known to the doctor and that they consider it acceptable to issue the certificate by telephone. Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach had previously asked for such a regulation, which is intended to make a further contribution to preventing infections in waiting rooms.

The background to this is the current possibility of issuing sick notes by telephone when employees are ill and unable to work. This principle is now being transferred to cases where children are ill and parents need a doctor's certificate to apply for child sickness benefit. Parents can take time off work for sick children up to the age of twelve. Previously, they had to take their child to the doctor's office to obtain a certificate. The health insurance fund then covers a large part of the loss of earnings and pays children's sick pay - usually 90 percent of the net salary lost.

In general, since December 7, patients with minor illnesses no longer have to drag themselves into surgeries to get a sick note for their job. The condition is that you are known to the practice and have no severe symptoms. The certificate of incapacity for work is issued for up to five days. A similar special regulation, which was extended several times during the coronavirus crisis, expired in spring.

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