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Oliver Pocher's enemy with the shallow life tips: Who is Biyon Kattilathu?

Oliver Pocher has created his own fictional character out of anger at him: Biyon Kattilathu irritates the comedian like no other. But who is the coach actually?

Biyon Kattilathu is a self-proclaimed life
Biyon Kattilathu is a self-proclaimed life

Coach, guru, influencer - Oliver Pocher's enemy with the shallow life tips: Who is Biyon Kattilathu?

"Live, love, laugh": His stage program is more reminiscent of a wall tattoo, and yet many of Biyon Kattilathu's shows are already sold out. The motivational coach will be touring the country throughout the coming year. He wants to help his fans gain more self-esteem and give them life tips. In recent months, Kattilathu, who is followed by more than 800,000 people on Instagram, has become the enemy of comedian Oliver Pocher.

Oliver Pocher's enemy: who is Biyon Kattilathu?

The comedian repeatedly makes fun of the self-proclaimed coach. Out of anger at him, he has even created his own fictional character, "Dalai Karma". The reason for this is Pocher's hurt feelings following his separation from his wife Amira and her friendship with Kattilathu.

The son of Indian immigrants appeared in public for the first time when he tried out as a candidate on"Deutschland sucht den Superstar" in 2007. He made it into the top 40, but failed because the jury didn't think he was good enough for the live shows. However, the casting show was above all the starting signal for his "TV career". The 39-year-old ended up on "Schlag den Raab" and "Wer wird Millionär?", among others, where he won 32,000 euros. By then, Kattilathu had tried 14 times to make it onto Günther Jauch's chair. The time came in 2010.

Kattilathu also attracted attention with two world records. In 2016, he managed to hug 111 people in one minute and a year later he kissed 129 people on the cheek. He donated the money he raised to a children's hospice.

He has been regularly uploading videos to his YouTube channel for nine years now. Interested parties can find everything from "Overcoming shyness through gratitude" to "Don't give up on your dreams". "Some would call me an author, entertainer or podcaster. I see myself as a person who wants to accompany other people on their path to happiness," says the coach about himself on his website.

First TV appearances, then coaching success

In 2018, Kattilathu's audio book "Glücksgeschichten: 20 inspiring stories that changed my life" was published and made it onto the "Spiegel" bestseller list. This was followed by several books, which also sold successfully. Meanwhile, sales figures and reviews sometimes differed. Literary critic Denis Scheck, for example, gave Kattilathu's work "Spaziergang zu dir selbst: A magical journey to greater mindfulness, self-love and happiness' (2022): 'An intellectual marshmallow of a book: raindrops are tears of joy from heaven, every decision is something that takes us further, vulnerability is the foundation of love. Self-declared 'motivational entertainer' Biyon Kattilathu piles phrase upon phrase from the mindfulness, self-love, acceptance drawer, which neither motivates nor entertains me."

At the beginning of June, Kattilathu was a guest on Amira Pocher's podcast "Hey Amira!". The make-up artist was delighted that he asked her how she was doing. "I'm actually doing well so far. Thank you for asking. That's just very thoughtful. You can just tell that you're very practiced at it and very attentive," she said to him. The two then talked about self-love, among other things.

Kattilathu has a son with influencer Sheila Singh. It is not known what the current status of their relationship is.

Source: "Hot off the press" / "Hey Amira"

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Kattilathu often shares his positive messages and life tips on his Instagram, which has over 800,000 followers. This has apparently not gone unnoticed by comedian Oliver Pocher, who has publicly criticized Kattilathu's coaching style and even created a fictional character, "Dalai Karma", to mock him. Despite the criticism, Kattilathu remains focused on spreading happiness and motivating others, often sharing his insights and experiences on his YouTube channel. On a happier note, Kattilathu has also made appearances on popular German TV shows like "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" and "Schlag den Raab", showcasing his charismatic personality and helping to improve his life.




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