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Oliver Pocher cannot go by that name

Amira should be called Aly again

The days after Amira and Oliver Pocher are undoubtedly better.
The days after Amira and Oliver Pocher are undoubtedly better.

Oliver Pocher cannot go by that name

The Rosenkrieg between Oliver and Amira Pocher is entering the next round. The Comedian wishes that his ex-wife, Amira, drops his surname after the divorce. He considers it a brand, he finds. And it seems she won't be benefiting from it apparently.

Is that perhaps his wounded ego speaking? Oliver Pocher and his ex-wife Amira have been in a rosenkrieg for months. The comedian regularly publicly berates the moderator with whom he has two common children. In the latest episode of his podcast "The Pochers! Freshly recycled," he now expresses his wish again: Amira Pocher should change her name back to her original name after the divorce.

Since Amira now has a new partner, Christian Düren, the comedian is "basically in favor" of her changing her name again," he tells his ex-wife Alessandra Meyer-Wölden, his co-podcaster. But he admits that "it's always a painful discussion with many women." Meyer-Wölden then asks directly: "Why is that so important to you?"

"Well, fundamentally, all women come with that: 'I want to be named like my children.' That's always the standard argument," the 46-year-old responds. "But you're not named like our children with surnames. We're being honest, the surname is what makes it interesting for everyone, because it's obviously also a brand."

Pocher hopes for Amira's "reason"

The surname Pocher is "naturally something different than the surname Aly," he explains. "That's why Cathy Hummels is Cathy Hummels and not Cathy Fischer. The names Barbara Becker and Natascha Ochsenknecht also fall into this category." He hopes "for Amira's reason" in the future, he adds, while also wishing her that it continues to go well for her - even without his "famous" surname.

Since their separation in the summer of 2023, Oliver Pocher has regularly criticized his ex-wife. The fact that she made her official couple debut at the Berlin Fashion Week last week apparently gave him the final push. She has the right to do as she pleases, "with whom she wants to do it," but he admits that this is "of course still hurtful" for him. He hopes that the divorce will be completed soon, as he "wants to draw a line."

A few days later, at the final of the European Football Championship in Berlin, he couldn't resist taking a jab at Amira again. "I'm a fan of Alipay+" is written on a banner of the Chinese payment platform Alipay, which he held up high and shared on his Instagram story. Along with it, he wrote: "I've already got a nice sign for the divorce!" It's unclear whether he's referring to her maiden name Aly or the alimony payments he has to make to the mother of his sons. The only thing he made clear with a side comment: The divorce is taking a toll on him and his ego more than he publicly admits.

Despite his ongoing criticism towards Amira, Oliver Pocher continues to express his desire for her to change her surname back to Aly after their divorce. He believes that the Pocher name, being associated with their entertainment careers, serves as a valuable brand. However, Oliver also acknowledges the sensitivity surrounding this issue and hopes for 'Amira's reason' in this matter.

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