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Oliver Pocher and Amira Aly have formally ended their marriage.

Despite separating approximately a year prior, Aly and Pocher continue to hurl venomous barbs at...
Despite separating approximately a year prior, Aly and Pocher continue to hurl venomous barbs at one another.

Oliver Pocher and Amira Aly have formally ended their marriage.

The ongoing feud between Oliver Pocher and Amira Aly, following their separation, might be drawing to a close. Pocher recently disclosed on Instagram that the divorce has been legally finalized. This announcement comes approximately a year after they publicly announced the demise of their union.

Under a past wedding photo, Pocher made the disclosure on the social platform, stating, "As of today, Amira and I are officially divorced! I thought it would last (longer). (P.S.: The photo is not recent)."

Pocher and Aly exchanged vows in 2019. They disclosed their separation on their joint podcast "Die Pochers!" in the summer of 2023, stating, "It's time to inform the public... We thought this was the best way to break the news. We're separated. That's it." Subsequently, both parties have frequently commented on the high-profile custody battle that grabbed headlines.

On a podcast episode titled "Die Pochers! Frisch recycelt," hosted by Pocher and his first ex-wife Alessandra Meyer-Wöhrden, he revealed about a week ago that the divorce was still not legally effective following a court hearing. The judge had ruled that "nothing should go wrong now, and then this divorce will only be announced." The decree will be issued and sent to both parties and their lawyers at a later date.

Meanwhile, Aly has already moved on from the surname Pocher. In her podcast "Liebes Leben" with her brother Hima, she explained why she appeared as Amira Aly instead of Amira Pocher on the TV show "Schlag den Star."

"I wanted to participate and win as Amira Aly," the host explained. "I'm really happy to use my own name again. It just feels right." She added that the name "fits me perfectly," and since the show, she feels "at ease" and has the impression that "I can do something without fear of a detailed evaluation of my personal life."

After the legal finalization of the divorce, Oliver Pocher shared on Instagram that "The entertainment" aspect of their ongoing feud might diminish. Despite the high-profile custody battle, the separation has allowed Amira Aly to embrace her identity once again, using her original name on television shows.

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