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Now Kerth and Terenzi are fighting over money.

After the separation, Verena Kerth and Marc Terenzi are fighting over money.
After the separation, Verena Kerth and Marc Terenzi are fighting over money.

Now Kerth and Terenzi are fighting over money.

Now it's time to settle the score - literally. Singer Marc Terenzi and presenter Verena Kerth are arguing over money and belongings after their split. Kerth is allegedly owed unpaid rent, while Terenzi just wants his stuff back.

Verena Kerth and Marc Terenzi got engaged publicly on RTL, they argued publicly, and now they're airing their separation issues in public too. The only thing they seem to agree on is that their media-friendly love is over. They disagree, however, on who initiated the breakup. Terenzi told RTL that he separated from Verena about two months ago, saying it's sometimes better to move on. Kerth, on the other hand, claims she kicked him out. During their relationship, Terenzi mainly lived with Kerth in her Munich apartment.

This is now a public point of contention. Kerth says she's still waiting for Terenzi to pick up his belongings and return her things. "I wish he'd taken everything when I kicked him out nearly three months ago. His stuff is here ready for pickup. But since he took some of my things, I'd like them back before he gets his," she explains. She's looking forward to having her apartment to herself and has no intention of keeping Terenzi's stuff.

Kerth reportedly demands 10,000 euros

But Kerth doesn't seem ready to let go of what's not hers. She's demanding money from her ex. According to Bild, Kerth is asking for 10,000 euros from Terenzi, plus his share of the rent. Although he lived with her, he didn't contribute to the rent, she claims. Bild cites voice messages Kerth allegedly sent to her ex, in which she says, "The rent is 1,600 euros a month, so you'll have to give me some money. Transfer my money (...) Then you'll get all your junk that I don't want or need."

It's unclear if Terenzi can afford to pay. He recently claimed he hadn't been getting any jobs due to financial losses after being accused of sexually harassing a minor. The case involved the daughter of an ex-girlfriend and ended without a guilty verdict, but with an order for restorative justice. Terenzi initially agreed, but later changed his mind, saying he wanted a "full acquittal" and to prove his innocence in court. He told Bild in June.

Despite the public breakup and ongoing argument over their belongings, Celebrity couple Marc Terenzi and Verena Kerth are now embroiled in a financial dispute. Kerth is reportedly demanding 10,000 euros from Terenzi, alleging that he didn't contribute to the rent during their time living together.

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