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Norway's Crown Prince Haakon on a trip to Germany

From today, the Norwegian Crown Prince will be traveling through Germany and bringing royal glamour. The visit will cover many serious topics - but there will also be a bit of fun.

Haakon, Crown Prince of Norway, and Crown Princess
Haakon, Crown Prince of Norway, and Crown Princess

Norway's Crown Prince Haakon on a trip to Germany

Norway's Crown Prince Haakon is traveling through Germany - and bringing a bit of royal glamour to Munich, Hamburg and Berlin. The 50-year-old will first visit the Bavarian capital before traveling on to the Hanseatic city on the Elbe and Berlin - where he will be joined by Crown Princess Mette-Marit.

Together with government representatives and a business delegation, Haakon wants to consolidate and strengthen the good ties between Germany and Norway on his trip through the Republic.

According to the Norwegian embassy, the core topics will be the economy, energy, shipping, defense and culture. In addition, the two countries' shared values, for example in matters of democracy, are to be emphasized. Furthermore, oil and gas-rich Norway wants to show itself to be a strong economic partner in energy issues.

Banquet with Markus Söder

On his arrival at Munich Airport, the popular Crown Prince will first be received by the Head of the Bavarian State Chancellery, Florian Herrmann (CSU). In the evening, Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) will then invite him to a banquet at the Munich Residence before continuing on Tuesday with serious issues of armaments and defense. A visit to the German-Norwegian Literature Day should provide some relaxation.

Haakon will then fly to Hamburg, where he will be welcomed in the evening by First Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) at a reception in the town hall. On Wednesday, an economic conference at the Chamber of Commerce will focus on energy, infrastructure and shipping - and of course the traditional harbor tour will not be missed.

Haakon will then travel on to Berlin by train, where Crown Princess Mette-Marit will join the tour group. On Thursday, the couple will visit the Berlin Wall Museum and a commemoration ceremony for 9 November, the day the Wall fell in 1989. The trip will conclude with a visit to Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at Bellevue Palace and Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the Chancellery.

During his time in Munich, Norway's Crown Prince Haakon will dine at a banquet hosted by Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder, showcasing the noble bond between their nations. In the pursuit of strengthening relations, Haakon will engage with government representatives and a business delegation, emphasizing shared values and Norway's role as a strong economic partner in energy issues.




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