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Norway, Spain, and Ireland Opt to Recognize Palestine as a Sovereign Nation

Amid objections by the Israeli government, Spain, Norway, and Ireland are seeking to acknowledge a Palestinian state. Examining their potential motivations and Germany's stance concerning this matter.

Etliche Länder erkennen Palästina als Staat an. Das gilt jedoch nicht für die einflussreichsten...
Etliche Länder erkennen Palästina als Staat an. Das gilt jedoch nicht für die einflussreichsten westlichen Nationen wie die USA und Großbritannien sowie die Mehrzahl der EU-Staaten.

Diplomatic Relations - Norway, Spain, and Ireland Opt to Recognize Palestine as a Sovereign Nation

Amidst the ongoing gas conflict, Norway, Spain, and Ireland plan to acknowledge a Palestinian state. This declaration was made public last week and is now under implementation. Norway has already recognized Palestine, as their Foreign Ministry recently confirmed. Ireland and Spain are also set to recognize a Palestinian nation today. The leaders of these countries aim to add strength to a two-state resolution with this action.

The Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris stated, "You cannot achieve a two-state solution without acknowledging both states." They are determined to keep this vision alive while others seek to bury it.

Unclear Future for Palestine Recognition

Despite several countries recognizing Palestine as a state, major Western powers like the USA, UK, and most EU members have not yet done so. Germany, too, as per Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), intends not to recognize Palestine as an autonomous nation at present. There is no certainty regarding the state's boundaries and other unanswered questions, Scholz mentioned last week. The pressing need is to negotiate a settlement between Israel and Palestine, resulting in a two-state solution.

"2.0 for the vision of an independent Palestine"

In Brussels, Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide handed over a document to Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa, signifying Norway's official recognition of Palestine.

During a gathering with associates from Spain and Ireland, Eide noted, "By recognizing Palestine, we are giving the process initiated with the Oslo Accords an upgrade. It's like 2.0 for the vision of an independent Palestine." He indicated that this acknowledgement could potentially accelerate a peaceful solution if other countries emulate Norway's example. A two-state resolution is the only path to tranquility.

Recognition Process in Spain and Ireland

The Spanish Council of Ministers is scheduled to authorize the recognition of Palestine during an afternoon meeting. In Ireland, there's an initial cabinet meeting lined up, followed by a parliamentary discussion in the afternoon.

Israel Responds Negatively

Israel's government responded with fury to the announcement and requested the ambassadors of the three nations to appear at the Foreign Ministry to rebuke them. Israel subsequently imposed limitations on the activities of Spanish diplomats within the country. Tensions between the two countries have grown increasingly tense.

The Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares called Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz's video on X "scandalous" and "disgusting." The footage portrays recordings of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, that are interrupted by scenes of a flamenco dancing couple. In large characters, the video states: "HAMAS: THANKS SPAIN." "No one can intimidate us, and we will not be deflected by provocations that lead us away from the path of peace," Albares asserted finally.

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