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North Korea refutes claims of weapon sales to Russia.

"Imaginative Storytelling"

North Korea rejects accusations of arms trade with Russia
North Korea rejects accusations of arms trade with Russia

North Korea refutes claims of weapon sales to Russia.

The influential sibling of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Kim Yo Jong, denies claims that her nation is engaging in a forbidden arms trade with Russia. A leading figure of the ruling Workers' Party addressed these allegations as a preposterous rumor, laced with "a warped perception and a fictionalized narrative." "We have no intention of exporting our military technical skills to any country or unleashing them," she stated, as relayed by state-owned media.

Surrounded by international pressure due to its nuclear weapons program, North Korea is often criticized for providing weapons and ammunition to the Russian war effort in Ukraine. Both Russian and North Korean governments have refuted these reports as unfounded.

The United States has asserted that Pyongyang has supplied missile launchers, as well as ballistic and weapons, in defiance of UN sanction resolutions. As per the South Korean Ministry of Defense, this has resulted in the transportation of countless containers of ammunition and military equipment from North Korea to Russia since July 2021.

Incidentally, Kim Yo Jong explains that North Korea's own weapons manufacturing and testing are primarily geared towards refining "the combat readiness and deterrence of our military." The various tactical weapons, including the multiple rocket launchers and missiles North Korea has most recently flaunted, are thus predominantly targeted towards South Korea.

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