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North Korea plans to launch three more spy satellites in 2024

Ruler Kim Jong Un once again accuses the USA of threatening his country with nuclear weapons. More reconnaissance satellites are to be used to observe the enemy from space.

Ruler Kim Jong Un wants to further expand North Korea's military power.
Ruler Kim Jong Un wants to further expand North Korea's military power.

Conflicts - North Korea plans to launch three more spy satellites in 2024

North Korea wants to expand its military capabilities to observe the USA from space and launch three more reconnaissance satellites next year. At the end of a multi-day year-end meeting of the Central Committee of the ruling Workers' Party, ruler Kim Jong Un also emphasized the goals of strengthening defence capabilities, including nuclear armament and the construction of military drones, state media reported. The leader of the one-party state once again accused the USA of threatening his country with nuclear weapons.

North Korea is one of the most isolated countries in the world. It is subject to tough international measures due to its nuclear weapons program. Pyongyang considers the USA and South Korea to be its enemies.

"Because of the enemies' reckless measures to invade our country, it is a fait accompli that war may break out on the Korean peninsula at any time," Kim was quoted as saying. The military must prepare to "pacify the entire territory of South Korea", using nuclear weapons if necessary in the event of an attack.

The launch of the first North Korean spy satellite in November was celebrated as a success in the state media. At the party meeting, it was declared a task to launch three more satellites into space in 2024. The USA and its partners South Korea, Japan and Australia had imposed new sanctions on North Korea because of the satellite launch. They accused Pyongyang of using technologies related to its intercontinental ballistic missile program. North Korea had already announced after the launch that it wanted to put more satellites into space.

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North Korea's plans to launch three more spy satellites in 2024 are seen as an expansion of its military capabilities, allowing it to observe the USA from space. This move comes amidst ongoing conflicts and tense relations between North Korea and its perceived enemies, especially the USA and South Korea. In a recent meeting, North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, emphasized the need to strengthen defense capabilities, including nuclear armament and the construction of military drones. Seoul, the capital of South Korea, is a potential target if the military conflict escalates. The launch of a North Korean spy satellite in November was dismissed as a success by North Korea's state media, sparking new sanctions from the USA and its allies due to concerns over the use of technology related to intercontinental ballistic missiles.


