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North Korea launches another ballistic missile, announced by the South Korean military.

Pointed towards the eastern body of water.

South Korean military: North Korea fires ballistic missile again
South Korean military: North Korea fires ballistic missile again

North Korea launches another ballistic missile, announced by the South Korean military.

North Korea is reportedly behind another missile test, with South Korea's General Staff claiming that they've launched at least one ballistic missile. This missile launch was towards the East Sea, also known as the Sea of Japan.

This news comes just under a month after North Korea conducted other short-range ballistic missile tests. The relationship between North and South Korea is currently strained, with tensions at an all-time high.

Earlier this year, Kim Jong Un, North Korea's leader, labelled South Korea as his country's "main enemy" and vowed to expand the development of weapons like tactical nuclear weapons. In response, South Korea and the USA have both increased their defense cooperation efforts.

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