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North Korea calls missile test a warning signal to the USA

The situation on the Korean peninsula remains very tense. Within a few hours, North Korea tests two ballistic missiles. Ruler Kim Jong Un then also turns to the USA.

A photo provided by North Korea's state news agency KCNA purports to show North Korean
A photo provided by North Korea's state news agency KCNA purports to show North Korean strongman Kim Jong Un (l) and his daughter Ju Ae (2nd from l) watching a test of a nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile on Monday.

Conflicts - North Korea calls missile test a warning signal to the USA

North Korea's ruler Kim Jong Un has described his country's latest test of an intercontinental ballistic missile as a clear warning to the USA and its allies.

Monday's test of the Hwasongpho-18 was intended to show "which option the People's Republic will resort to if Washington makes a wrong decision against it", Kim was quoted as saying by state media. The ruler of the one-party state once again accused the USA of pursuing a hostile policy and "reckless military confrontation hysteria".

The USA, South Korea and Japan had condemned North Korea's test of the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) as a provocation and a clear violation of the UN Security Council's prohibition resolutions. These prohibit North Korea from launching or even testing ballistic missiles of any range. Depending on their design, such missiles can be equipped with a nuclear warhead. North Korea's development of ICBMs with a range of more than 5500 kilometers is primarily aimed at the USA.

Missile is said to have flown 1000 kilometers

According to North Korean reports, the purpose of the latest missile launch was to prove the combat readiness of its own "nuclear war deterrent" and its reliability. Kim himself watched the test and expressed his satisfaction afterwards. After the launch, the missile flew more than 1000 kilometers from a steep launch angle before falling into the Sea of Japan (Korean: East Sea). The missile was first used for test and propaganda purposes in April.

The conflict over North Korea's nuclear weapons program has once again become much more explosive. Following an unprecedented series of missile tests last year, the country has again tested missiles and guided missiles several times this year. Among other things, the USA and South Korea have expanded their joint military exercises.

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