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Nobel Prize Awarded to Historian Applebaum

Critic Predicted Putin's Rise to Power in Early Days

Applebaum has already been honored with the Pulitzer Prize.
Applebaum has already been honored with the Pulitzer Prize.

Nobel Prize Awarded to Historian Applebaum

Contemporary historian and correspondent Anne Applebaum clinches the yearly Peace Prize of the German Book Industry in 2024. Known for her incisive analysis of authoritarian regimes, she sounded the alarm on Putin's potential aggressive expansion as early as possible.

The Peace Prize of the German Book Industry bestows upon the Polish-American historian and journalist, Anne Applebaum, in 2024. The justification from the Board of Trustees reads, "In a world where democratic accomplishments and values are increasingly belittled and targeted, her work will undoubtedly become a crucial asset in the preservation of Democracy and Peace." The award is typically presented during the Frankfurt Book Fair's finale, slated for October 20 in this year. In the previous year, Salman Rushdie was the recipient.

Applebaum is renowned as an analyst of authoritarian systems and an expert on Eastern European history. Her predictions of a potential aggressive expansion policy by Vladimir Putin were noted. Applebaum was born in 1964 in Washington D.C., a child of Jewish parents. After spending extensive periods in Poland, she now resides there. Married to Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski, she is the mother of two sons.

Some of Applebaum's notable works include "Gulag" (2003), "The Iron Curtain" (2012), and "The Illusion of Freedom" (2021). Her works, which delve into the workings of authoritarian power consolidation, have garnered significant attention. In 2004, she was awarded the prestigious Pulitzer Prize. She most recently received the Carl-von-Ossietzky-Prize 2024 from the city of Oldenburg.

Investigations into Propaganda within Democratic Societies

"Through her profound and extensive examinations of Soviet Union and Russia's communist and post-communist systems, she has shed light on the tactics of authoritarian takeover and consolidation," states the Board of Trustees justification. "With her research into the intersection of economy and democracy, as well as the repercussions of disinformation and propaganda on democratic societies, she demonstrates their vulnerability - especially when democracies are compromised from within, through the electoral success of autocrats."

Established in 1950, the German Publishers and Booksellers Association, the association of publishers and booksellers, grants the Peace Prize to individuals who have furthered the concept of peace through literature, science, or art.

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