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No landlord wanted him because of his fixed-term contract: Marc pays 1150 euros for 25 square meters in Cologne

Marc Fiedler was rejected by almost all landlords because of his fixed-term employment contract. The only job he got was for an apartment that was far too expensive.

Marc Fiedler unpacks the kitchen utensils first when he moves into a new
Marc Fiedler unpacks the kitchen utensils first when he moves into a new

Apartment wanted - Moving stories - No landlord wanted him because of his fixed-term contract: Marc pays 1150 euros for 25 square meters in Cologne

Marc Fiedler, 24, only needs one more day to pack his entire household into boxes. Kitchen: pots and pans. Bedroom: clothes. The labels have to be as precise as possible so that everything can be found again quickly. Four moves in four years have turned him into a professional. Potential landlords are put off by the number. But Marc has good explanations for this.

The first apartment was for his studies in Wiesbaden, the second for a six-month internship in Cologne. The third back in Wiesbaden to finish his studies, the fourth back in Cologne for his first job.

Marc is now hoping that he will soon be allowed to move for the fifth time. Because his first employment contract stipulated a probationary period of six months. And with such a fixed-term contract, he didn't make it into the final selection of landlords. He was only offered a temporary apartment with 25 square meters and one room for 1150 euros warm, fully furnished.

The apartment is expensive, much more expensive than other comparable accommodation. But temporary employment contracts are also recognized.

And that's why Marc had to take it, even though he actually owns his own furniture. He has now been living there for seven months, supported financially by his parents. His father is also the one who stores Marc's furniture. He has stored it on a Euro pallet at his company.

Marc has now completed his trial period. And hopes to be able to sleep in his own bed again soon. Marc is 1.97 m tall and actually needs an oversized bed. In the 25-square-metre apartment, he has to curl up in bed to fit in. Sometimes he imagines who has cooked with the pots before him, who has slept in the bed before him.

Marc also tries to take something good out of his odyssey. In four years, he has lived on all floors. In an attic apartment, on the second floor, on the second floor and currently in the basement. From an old building with strip parquet flooring and four-metre-high ceilings to a renovated new build: for Marc, it was also a chance to get to know his apartment preference.

And he also learned for life. He left the ceramic hob on for almost two days in his first apartment in Cologne, which he rented for six months. He still says today that he had an angel. He can't imagine what would have happened if he had put his cereal box on it in the morning.

Are you also looking for a new home and want to tell your moving story, anonymously if you like? Do you have any criticism, suggestions or requests for the series? Write an e-mail to the author at: [email protected]

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Despite the housing market challenges in Cologne due to the housing shortage, Marc has been able to secure an expensive temporary apartment for his probationary period, paying 1150 euros for 25 square meters. As the housing search continues, Marc hopes to find a more suitable apartment in Cologne that fits his needs and preferences, gained from his four-year apartment odyssey.


