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Nicole Scherzinger: "I want a baby, but work is calling"

Nicole Scherzinger became famous with the Pussycat Dolls. After a career low, the 46-year-old surprised everyone with an award-winning role in the musical "Sunset Boulevard". She spoke to the London Times about the Dolls, her work and her greatest wish.

Nicole Scherzinger on the day of her greatest triumph. On April 14, she received the Olivier Award...
Nicole Scherzinger on the day of her greatest triumph. On April 14, she received the Olivier Award for her interpretation of Norma in "Sunset Boulevard"

Ex-Pussycat Doll - Nicole Scherzinger: "I want a baby, but work is calling"

Most people remember Nicole Scherzinger as the marionette of the Pussycat Dolls, as a Glamour-Girl, and as Lewis Hamilton's girlfriend. At 46 years old, she has faded out of the tabloids and is more successful than ever. In a league of her own. In London, she played Norma Desmond, the fallen film star from Andrew Lloyd Webber's Musical "Sunset Boulevard." The London Times states that her performance even overshadows Glenn Close's.

Norma's Role Reversed

"Sunset Boulevard" changed the singer's life. If one doesn't know the piece: The radiant beautiful Scherzinger plays a forgotten, fragile Diva from the silent film era, living imprisoned in her Hollywood villa in a delusional world. A greater contrast to songs from Pussycat Dolls times with lines like "You wish your friend was as hot as I" is hardly imaginable. And yet there are similarities. If Scherzinger hadn't lived like Norma in a Hollywood villa, weren't her golden years long past? From the living dream of millions of men, she had become a permanent guest in talent shows.

"Norma has the same insecurities as we all: Fear of loneliness, fear of emptiness, fear of being misunderstood and rejected."

She describes the role as healing, as she interprets Norma differently. No longer as a faded, confused Diva, but as a hardworking actress, who had just been fired. "You have to make the work and look ugly doing it. I did that in this role. There were tears, blood, and a lot of slime. I never thought I would get to this point."

Fame Came with Drama

The Pussycat Dolls brought her breakthrough, but it was a difficult time, Scherzinger recalls in the interview. The young women gave everything, and no one protected them – not even themselves. "We had to deal with our demons and problems while on the move and never slept. Honestly, that was a recipe for disaster. It went: 'Make her until she's bone-tired, until she's powerless.' I couldn't sleep. I had always had sleeping problems."

Additionally, there were problems with body image, leading to bulimia. Scherzinger explains it today with her special role in the group. She was the singer, the other dancers. For the other Dolls, their bodies were an instrument, they were used to playing it. She, however, had difficulties standing in the spotlight with her body. With the sexy clothing of the Dolls – the Pussycat-Look – there were no problems. "I didn't feel exploited because I had control over what I did." She could design many of the costumes herself. "I wanted to look like Gwen Stefani." And overall: "We wore a lot more than people wear today. The artists."

Her body image is not important to her today. "That's the great thing about aging – you don't care as much about it." In the interview, she speaks about turbulent Dolls times, about her famous ex-friends she doesn't want to talk about. Only: "I took many risks in relationships. I am a rather dependent type and am still learning what it means to set boundaries and take the risk of leaving unhealthy relationships that don't serve me."

Nicole Scherzinger on Success and Love

Regarding her success, Scherzinger says, "I've been blessed with the opportunity to do what I love every day. I've worked with some amazing people and have been able to travel the world. But it's not always easy. There are sacrifices you have to make, and you have to be willing to put in the hard work and dedication. I've learned that you can't please everyone, and you have to stay true to yourself and your art."

On love, she shares, "Love is a beautiful and complex thing. It can bring joy and pain, and it's worth the risk. I believe that everyone deserves to experience love and be loved in return. It's important to be open and vulnerable, but also to protect your heart and not give too much of yourself away too soon. Love is a journey, and it's important to learn and grow from each experience."

Since early 2020, Nicole Scherzinger has been with Thom Evans, a former Scottish Rugby National player. "He is extremely organized and punctual, which is the opposite of me, so he makes me so much better in that aspect. I don't know if all rugby players are like that, but he is the cleanest. He has OCD like me and I love that. It's amazing."

They are engaged, and the wedding will come when the engagements allow. Regarding the question of whether she then wants babies, it's almost gushing out of Nicole Scherzinger: "Oh my God, I would so love to. I've never shied away from it. I can hardly wait. It's like the clock is ticking. I want a baby, but work calls. I need to take time for myself, because yes, I can hardly wait to have children."

Source: The Times

  1. Despite her fame as a Pussycat Doll and Lewis Hamilton's girlfriend, Nicole Scherzinger found greater success in London, playing the role of Norma Desmond in "Sunset Boulevard."
  2. In "Sunset Boulevard," Scherzinger portrays a faded film star living in a Hollywood villa, a stark contrast to her previous glamorous image.
  3. Glenn Close's performance in "Sunset Boulevard" is praised, but critics suggest Scherzinger's interpretation exceeds it.
  4. Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical "Sunset Boulevard" provided Scherzinger with a transformative experience, helping her heal from insecurities and navigate her career.
  5. The Pussycat Dolls brought Scherzinger fame, but the experience was challenging, leading to bulimia due to body image issues.
  6. Lewis Hamilton's girlfriend, Nicole Scherzinger, admits her dependence and the risks she took in relationships, emphasizing the importance of setting boundaries.
  7. Singer Nicole Scherzinger finds happiness with Thom Evans, a former Scottish rugby player, and they are engaged, eagerly awaiting their wedding when circumstances allow, with Scherzinger expressing her eagerness to become a mother.

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