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NGO Announces Rise in Globally Displaced Individuals to an All-Time High of 76 Million

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NGO: Number of internally displaced persons worldwide rises to a record 76 million
NGO: Number of internally displaced persons worldwide rises to a record 76 million

NGO Announces Rise in Globally Displaced Individuals to an All-Time High of 76 Million

In 2023, internal displacements reached an all-time high, with 75.9 million people being forced out of their homes within their own countries, according to an NGO. This data was reported by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC).

The main factors causing these displacements were conflicts in Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Gaza Strip. Over half of these internally displaced persons resided in sub-Saharan Africa.

The IDMC's findings reveal a 50% rise in global internally displaced persons in just five years. At the end of 2022, the number stood at 71.1 million. The primary reasons for this displacement were violence and conflicts, which accounted for approximately 68.3 million people. Harrowing disasters, such as China's severe storms and earthquakes in Turkey, caused the displacement of another 7.7 million people.

Alexandra Bilak, leader of the NGO, spoke out about this growing issue, saying it was "alarming." She explained, "Conflicts and the destruction they create often prevent millions of people from resuming their lives for years."

Established in 1998 by the Norwegian Refugee Council, the IDMC revealed never before seen levels of internal displacement. Jan Egeland, head of the Refugee Council, added, "We have never seen such a dramatic rise in individuals fleeing their homes and communities. This is a clear sign of the failure to prevent conflicts and build peace." The unfortunate situation of these internally displaced individuals is often neglected. Egeland asserted, "The absence of protection and support for many of these people must not be tolerated any longer."

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The maximum number of internally displaced persons worldwide reached 76 million in 2023, surpassing the previous high of 71.1 million at the end of 2022. This alarming increase, as noted by Alexandra Bilak of the NGO, is primarily due to conflicts and disasters, with conflicts accounting for 68.3 million displacements. In the context of addressing this issue, Egeland from the Refugee Council emphasized the need to provide better protection and support, stating, "The absence of protection and support for many of these people must not be tolerated any longer."




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