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Next cancellation: Lena Meyer-Landrut also cancels appearance in Allgäu

Lena Meyer-Landrut has canceled her concert for the second time in 24 hours via Instagram. Abdominal and kidney pains are to blame, as was the case with the canceled performance in Munich.

Lena Meyer Landrut at a performance in Zossen, Brandenburg. The singer hopes to be back on stage on...
Lena Meyer Landrut at a performance in Zossen, Brandenburg. The singer hopes to be back on stage on Sunday evening.

Tollwood Festival - Next cancellation: Lena Meyer-Landrut also cancels appearance in Allgäu

Lena Meyer-Landrut had to cancel her performance in Munich at short notice due to lower abdominal pains. "I didn't feel good all day, and then in the evening I got cramp-like stomach and kidney pains, had to hand myself over just before showtime and was then taken to the hospital," the singer wrote on Instagram.

"My conscience is bothering me, but my body said no," so the 33-year-old. Currently, she is resting and doing everything possible to perform on Sunday evening. A performance was planned at the Landesgartenschau in Wangen, Baden-Württemberg. But that's not going to happen. The press spokesperson for the Landesgartenschau Wangen told "Bild-Zeitung": "The concert is now officially cancelled – for medical reasons." Later, Lena's team spoke via Instagram: "Unfortunately, Lena's condition worsened during the afternoon and she had to go to the hospital again with strong pains." Lena herself wrote: "I wish I didn't have to write this to you, but I can't change it: I won't be able to play the concert in Wangen today."

Lena Meyer-Landrut was supposed to be the main act

A concert-goer of the Munich Tollwood Festival reported that the audience had been waiting for the musician's performance and that of her band, when an announcement came that it would take longer because someone had collapsed. Lena was – after performances by singers Tom Twers and Leony – the main act of the evening.

Some time later, a woman went on stage and announced without giving reasons that the concert had to be cancelled. "It's unbelievably sad that you had to wait for so long and are disappointed again," Meyer-Landrut wrote on Instagram about it.

The artist is currently on tour with her new album "Loyal to myself". She is scheduled to perform on Sunday evening in Allgäu.

Despite the cancellation in Munich, Lena Meyer-Landrut regrettably had to miss performing at the State Garden Show in Wangen, Baden-Württemberg as well. Despite her love for Instagram, she shared her disappointment about not being able to perform at both events due to health issues.

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