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New partner, but no wedding

Selma Blair has lived with Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis for many years. Now, at 52, she has found a new love.

Selma Blair in June 2024 during the Fashion Week in Paris.
Selma Blair in June 2024 during the Fashion Week in Paris.

Selma Blair is newly in love - New partner, but no wedding

2018, actress Selma Blair (52) publicly announced that she has Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Since then, she has been openly dealing with her condition. In a new interview with the magazine "Us Weekly", she talks about how the diagnosis helped her become happier. And she also reveals that there is a new man in her life.

"As soon as I knew I had MS - and I had had it for a while - things made so much more sense. I actually became happier," Blair looks back. "For years, I had these twitches and spasms and I tried to suppress them and keep moving or drink excessively large amounts of alcohol to prevent big attacks, which I thought were psychologically induced."

Alcohol consumption, to not stutter

Before she received the diagnosis, the "Cold Creek Manor" actress thought she was deeply broken inside. "I didn't know that I wasn't broken and that I had a brain damage." She had lived a lie for many years because she didn't know she was sick. "I had convinced myself that I was this dramatic, strange girl who needed alcohol to not stutter. I could have been nicer to myself."

She became aware that many other sick people went through similar experiences. "Being honest about the diagnosis and coming out, really enriched my life. It makes me happy to give hope to other people."

For years, she had alcohol problems due to her undiagnosed condition. Since 2016, Selma Blair has been sober. "Without being sober, I wouldn't have been able to get the MS diagnosis." She now has a "very small group of people" she can rely on. "One of them is [actress] Jaime King. She is my best friend," so Selma Blair.

A new partner in her life

Moreover, she has a new partner by her side: "He's not in the film industry, although he used to produce. I wanted a man from the Midwest and I found a real man from the Midwest." She believes that it's best for relationships to keep them out of the public eye. "Nobody wants to put themselves through a test. But yes, it's possible to find love at 52."

Marriage is not an option for Selma Blair

However, she rules out marriage: "If you want to put everything under one hat as a mother, build a career and figure out when you'll get your blood treatments - a friend is quickly left behind. That's a big risk to fail."

From 2004 to 2006, Selma Blair was married to American musician, actor, and author Ahmet Zappa (50). From her relationship with fashion designer Jason Bleick (54), she has a son Arthur (*2011).

After revealing her diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 2018, Selma Blair found happiness and understood her symptoms better. Before her diagnosis, she mistook her condition for deep-rooted issues and relied heavily on alcohol to cope. Since being diagnosed and becoming sober in 2016, Selma Blair has a "very small group of people" she can rely on, including her best friend, actress Jaime King. Furthermore, Selma Blair has a new partner in her life, who hails from the Midwest and is not associated with the film industry. Despite this, Selma Blair does not see marriage as an option due to the complexities of balancing motherhood, career, and health treatments.

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