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New hate messages after "Kaulitz & Kaulitz"

Bill and Tom Kaulitz are not only delighting Tokio Hotel fans with their Netflix documentary. But Bill's Oktoberfest flirtation also comes back into focus.

Marc Eggers became famous through shows such as "Das Supertalent" and "Köln 50667". His flirtation...
Marc Eggers became famous through shows such as "Das Supertalent" and "Köln 50667". His flirtation with Bill Kaulitz at the Oktoberfest 2023 made waves.

Marc Eggers - New hate messages after "Kaulitz & Kaulitz"

It's one of the most intriguing and noteworthy stories in the Netflix docuseries "Kaulitz & Kaulitz": How is it going with Bill Kaulitz (34) and reality star Marc Eggers (37) after their Oktoberfest flirt? Even non-Tokio Hotel fans are buzzing with excitement in front of their screens when the singer receives a message from the male model - or not.

Marc Eggers feels the negative impact again

Bill Kaulitz's infatuation seems one-sided. "He's not as excited as I am," concludes the 34-year-old about Eggers' reluctance. The singer also fears that Eggers might have been put off by the chaos that ensued after Oktoberfest. At that time, the former "Cologne 50667" actor received many homophobic comments, which he posted without comment. And now, with the love story back in the spotlight through the streaming service, Eggers is feeling the negative consequences once again.

In response to a follower's question in an Instagram story Q&A session about the amount of hate he was receiving because of the Netflix docuseries, Marc Eggers replied succinctly but clearly: "Yes!" He thanked everyone, "who writes me loving messages."

In the new episode of the podcast "The 17th Federal State - The Mallorca Podcast," he spoke about the whole commotion that had been rekindled. "If you want to take another look at it all, you can check it out on Netflix. I think there's a very interesting docuseries there," he said. As to whether he might be dating the singer or no longer have contact, he left it open. "People don't really care about that."

Cameras capture Bill's infatuation and some meetings

In "Kaulitz & Kaulitz," the Oktoberfest flirt is not the only topic. The cameras show how Bill became very infatuated and kept hoping for new messages from Marc Eggers. He surprised his crush with numerous heart balloons on his birthday, for example. The cameras were also present at other meetings - at Heidi Klum's (51) Halloween party in New York and at the 1live Krone awards in Bielefeld.

But Bill Kaulitz also explained how difficult it is to live with him in the spotlight. "Marc is just a nice guy. I don't want anything negative to happen to him because of what happened between us." Eggers received so much hate after the flirt on the Wiesn - "I don't think he thought about it that way." The singer himself is not affected. "That doesn't happen to me. But I think it's not so fun for him."

Tom Kaulitz sensed that it was getting complicated

Fans can empathize with Bill Kaulitz in the docuseries when he received an "unpleasant message" from Marc Eggers before Christmas. In it, it seemed that he did not want to spend the holidays together. Whereupon the 34-year-old declared: "It seems one-sided, he's not as excited as I am." Tom Kaulitz had to admit that he had sensed that the love story was getting complicated.

With Marc Eggers, the public has been accustomed to him for many years. In 2010, he appeared on "Das Supertalent". A year later, he was accompanied for the show "Auf und davon - Mein Auslandstagebuch". He was also part of "Berlin Models - our life, our dream", "Dance Dance Dance", and "Köln 50667". Since 2015, he has had his own YouTube channel. As a Ballermann singer, he is still active. However, his private life has not been in the spotlight until now. "I'm an ass", he said as he left the Oktoberfest, when the first reports of his flirt with Bill Kaulitz were circulating. Previously, the male model had always had women with him.

  1. Despite the negative reactions, Marc Eggers mentioned in an Instagram story Q&A session that he's received loving messages as well.
  2. In the new episode of the podcast "The 17th Federal State - The Mallorca Podcast," Eggers suggested checking out the Netflix docuseries "Kaulitz & Kaulitz" for more insight into the situation.
  3. Bill Kaulitz's brother, Tom, admitted that he sensed the love story between Bill and Marc was becoming complicated.
  4. Marc Eggers, known for his appearances on shows like "Das Supertalent" and "Köln 50667," has had his private life largely out of the spotlight until now.
  5. Netflix's docuseries "Kaulitz & Kaulitz" features footage of Bill Kaulitz's infatuation with Marc Eggers, including their meetings at Heidi Klum's Halloween party and the 1live Krone awards.
  6. After receiving many homophobic comments following their Oktoberfest flirt, Eggers felt the negative impact once again as the love story gained attention through Netflix's streaming service.
  7. In "Kaulitz & Kaulitz," Bil Kaulitz expressed his concern for Eggers, fearing that the negative attention might have put him off.

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