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New documentary about the "Emperor" to be released in January

ARD is dedicating a new documentary to German soccer icon Franz Beckenbauer. It will also be about the private "Kaiser".

Franz Beckenbauer in Berlin in
Franz Beckenbauer in Berlin in

"Beckenbauer" - New documentary about the "Emperor" to be released in January

A new documentary about Franz Beckenbauer (78) will be broadcast by the German TV channel Erste at the beginning of next year. Beckenbauer" will not only cover the long career of the German soccer legend, but also the private life of the "Kaiser".

The documentary is a production of Bayerischer Rundfunk and, according to a press release, will be broadcast in prime time on January 8th. Numerous hours of archive material and thousands of photos were evaluated for the 90-minute portrait. Former teammates of Beckenbauer, former opponents, politicians and companions will also have their say in the film - including his brother Walter, his ex-wife Sybille, Lothar Matthäus (62), Wolfgang Schäuble (81) and Joschka Fischer (75).

Franz Beckenbauer: Between light and shadow

"He was the best in his time and no one better has come along," former professional footballer and Beckenbauer friend Günter Netzer (79) is quoted as saying in the press release. Paul Breitner (72), Beckenbauer's colleague at FC Bayern and in the national team, explains: "Franz was at the top of the hierarchy and then came the rest."

In addition to highlights such as the victory at the World Cup in 1974, however, dark sides such as the "summer fairytale affair" surrounding the awarding of the 2006 World Cup will also be discussed. In the documentary, "Spiegel" journalist Gunther Latsch talks about his research at the time and Beckenbauer manager Marcus Höfl also gives a detailed statement.

The documentary will be available in the ARD media library from January 2, 2024, even before it is broadcast on TV. From the same day, the ARD audio library will also offer the supplementary podcast "Beckenbauer - Der letzte Kaiser von Deutschland. Narrated by Sebastian Bezzel".

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