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New complaint of rape received

Gérard Depardieu is once again accused of rape. A journalist claims that he had sex with her 30 years ago.

Gérard Depardieu has been charged with rape
Gérard Depardieu has been charged with rape

Gérard Depardieu - New complaint of rape received

The accusations against French actor Gérard Depardieu (74) continue unabated. It has now become known that a Spanish journalist has also filed charges of rape against the film star. As reported by the newspaper "Le Monde", among others, citing the news agency AFP, Ruth Baza (51) claims that Depardieu raped her in Paris almost 30 years ago. She herself states that she filed a complaint with the Spanish police on Thursday.

The alleged assault took place on October 12, 1995 during an interview for the magazine "Cinemania", according to the accusation. The Spanish newspaper "La Vanguardia" also reported on the complaint, which is said to have been received by the authorities in Barcelona. The Spanish news agency EFE also confirmed that a corresponding complaint had been submitted to the relevant authorities. Baza, who was 23 years old at the time, was raped by the then 46-year-old Depardieu "without any consent". She felt "paralyzed".

Numerous accusations against Gérard Depardieu

The incident is said to have taken place on the premises of the former production company Roissy Film. Allegedly, Baza initially spoke of a "sexual assault", but when asked by the officers whether she had also been raped, she replied in the affirmative. "The police described it as such," Baza told AFP.

Baza is not alone in her accusations against Depardieu. There have been a number of allegations against Depardieu in recent years, including previous accusations of rape and sexual violence. In addition, a television documentary has just been broadcast in France in which, according to media reports, he can be seen making offensive comments about women during a trip to North Korea in 2018. Depardieu has denied all allegations.

"An unprecedented conspiracy"

"Of course we are often shocked by Gérard's comments", but Depardieu is "the target of an unprecedented conspiracy", wrote several members of his family, including his daughter, the actress Julie Depardieu (50), in a letter published in the Sunday newspaper "Le Journal du Dimanche". They complained of a "collective rage" against the actor and explained that "in private, with his children, he is an extremely modest, sensitive and even prudish person".

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